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                                                      DARKO ILIN

                                                BULEVAR ODLOBOĐENJA 205


          Turbo-folk  reffered  to  the    term      primarrily  to  the  sphere  of
          popular music in which the traditional – folk rhytm merged with
          elements of pop, rock, techno and dance music. No one can surely
          say  when  was  the  breaking  point  in    which  its  emergence  and
          expansion  happened,  but  the  period  of  its  emergence,  also,  the
          stages  of  turbo-folks  infiltration  in  the  popular  culture  and  its
          mixing with other genres can be followed. In time, it gains huge
          popularity  and  becomes  the  mass  entertainment.  It’s  important   Chart 1. Results of the survey
          how turbo-folk music was largely introduced into people’s daily
          lives  and  why  that  happened.  Turbo-folk  as  a  music  genre   When we take into consideration both age groups , we notice a
          generates  from  neo-folk,  newly  composed  folk  music  which   difference in answers.
          became popular in the sixties and the seventies and it represents
          the    use  of  traditional  music  and  its  partial  commmercialisation
          with keeping the original feeling. Turbo-folk generates as a post-
          modern mixture of various styles, influences of the western techno
          and dance rhytms but also the oriental and greek motifs. The goal
          is to give a  review of the poetics of turbo-folk subculture and its
          tranfomations  with  social  and  cultural  surroundings  from  the
          beginning until today.


          In this research there has been a survey with a goal to see what
          were people’s attitudes on the cause of turbo-folk’s popularity and   Chart 2. Results according to age group
          it’s  supremacy  in  media.  The  examinees  were  asked  a   CONCLUSION
          question:,,What  is  the  main  reason  that  lead  to  turbo-folk  being
          popular?“  with  four  available  answers  and  a  posibility  to  write   This survey came to a conclusion that the attitudes of the younger
          their  own  opinion.  The  answers  were:  a)  political  monopoly,  b)   age  group  on  this  matter  are  devided  between  the  cultural
          cultural revolution, need for new trends, c) economic crysis and   revolution and the degradation of moral  while most of the older
          sanctions and d) degradation of moral values. The examinees were   examinees answered that the cause was the degradation of moral,
          separated in two age groups, the first between ages of 15 and 30,   but  a  big  amount  of  them  also  answered      that  the  cause  was
          and the second one between ages of 31 and 45. The survey took   political  monopoly  or  economic  crysis.  Older  examinees  didn’t
          place  between  12/02/2015  and  19/02/2015.  There  were  43   think that the need for new trends caused the popularity of turbo-
          examinees  of  which    29  belong  to  the  first  age  group  and  14   folk  and  there  we  can  see  the  difference  in  the    attitudes  of
          belong to the second one.                            younger and of older people    considering the importance of the
                                                               need for new trends.
          The results of the survey  of both age groups are shown in the next   [1] J. Đorđević; Postkultura : uvod u studije kulture, Clio, Beograd
          chart.  None  of  the  examinees  disagreed  with  the  provided   2009.,
                                                               [2] M. Grujić; Community and the popular : Women, Nation and
                                                               Turbo-folk in Post-Yugoslav Serbia, Central European University
                                                               Press, Budapest 2009
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81