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                                                  ANA STEFANOVIĆ
                                                               thinks  that  they  can  somehow  effect  on  this  problem  and
          INTRODUCTION                                         that situation can be changed.
                                                               One of the hypotheses was that girls are more exposed to
          Aggression  is  tendency  to  hurt,  do  the  damage,  destroy   psychological abuse than boys, while boys are more often
          person  or  object.  It  can  be  considered  as  reaction  on   victims  and  physical  abusers.  Significant  percentage  of
          frustration or as sort of instinct. Most of the psychologists   respondents, as an answer to question ‘’Who is more often
          represent the thought that aggression does not have to come   victim and who is the aggressor?’’ said that they associate
          from innate motive, but it can be  acquired after surviving   psychological  abuse  with  girls  and  physical  with  boys.
          some  kind of  frustration, or other influences. Independent   Results confirm that students are well aware of the problem
          motive  of  aggression  does  not  have  to  be  connected  to   and they notice aggression in their environment, however,
          threatening  our  freedom,  wishes,  rights  or  other  kind  of   as we can see from responses to other questions, they think
          failure.  That  motive  is  the  wish  itself  to  hurt  someone  or   that  it  is  not  exactly  their  problem  so  they  can  not  have
          destroy something, without personal explanation or reason,   more significant influence on it.
          and not in case of self defense. Of course, level and way of
          manifestation  are  note  innate,  despite  the  fact  that
          aggression  itself  can  be  innate,  environment  in  which  we   CONCLUSION
          live and grow up as well as our habits influence much on
          increase and prevention of violent behavior.         Based  on  the  results  gathered  by  questioning  high  school
                                                               and elementary school students we conclude that two out of
                                                               tree hypotheses can be proven. One of them is that students
          METHOD OF OPERATION                                  of elementary school are more exposed to aggression, they
                                                               are  more  often  victims  and  abusers,  while  that  is  not  the
          Research  was conducted between 10.2. and 26.2.2015. on   case  in  high  school.  That  hypothesis  is  based  on  the  fact
          regular  classes  in  two  schools,  in  form  of  questionnaire   that younger students spend more time in playing computer
          which  included  24  questions  related  to  aggression  among   games  and  that  makes  them  more  violent.  It  is  supported
          young people. Respondents were students of third year of   because high school students say that they spend less time
          Third  Belgrade  gymnasium,  one  class  of  science   on  computer.  Second  hypothesis  is  about  gender  of
          department  and  one  class  of  social  studies  department,  as   respondents and does it influence to the level of aggression
          well  as  two  classes  of  seventh  grade  elementary  school   among  students.  According  to  answers  given  in
          ‘’Laza  Kostić’’.  Number  of  questioned  students  was  60   questionnaire,  male  students  are  more  prone  to  physical
          from high school and 45 students from elementary school,   violence,  while  female  students  are  more  exposed  to
          in  total  105  respondents  who  were  supposed  to  answer   psychological  abuse.  That  means  that  this  assumption  is
          honestly  on  questions  mostly  in  form  of  evaluation  scale,   also  supported  by  the  facts.    Last  assumption  was  that
          with given answers.                                  students  with lower school achievement are  more  violent,
                                                               but since respondents taken for this questionnaire were not
                                                               adequate  for  these  criteria  to  be  taken  into  consideration,
          RESULTS                                              this  assumption  is  rejected  at  the  beginning.  Most  of  the

                                                               students had excellent or very good grades, so we could not
          Results show that much more students of elementary school   make difference between level of their school achievement
          play  computer  games  and  they  spend  more  time  on   and violence.
          computer than high school students. However, as they say
          violence  is  almost  equally  spread  in  both  groups  and  the
          highest percentage of students has witnessed some kind of   LITERATURE
          violence.  What  is  disturbing  is  the  fact  that  such  young
          people are exposed to aggression so often. They are often   [1] Nikola Rot, Slavoljub Radonjić;  Psihologija za drugi
          abusers  and  many  of  them  do  not  regret  it  at  all,  as  they   razred  gimnazije,  Beograd  (2008),  Zavod  za  udžbenike  i
          answer in the questionnaire. More than a half of high school   nastavna                        sredstva
          students  think  that  violence  is  huge  problem  in  their   [2]  Nikola  Rot;  Osnovi  socijalne  psihologije,  Beograd
          society, but more students of elementary school thinks that   (2003), Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva
          way, and there is only a few of them who do not see this as
          a problem. Defeating is only that small number of students
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