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Influence that extracurricular activities have on high school students’ ability of the

                                                   Katarina Kovačević
                                                      Šumatovačka 69


          Free  time  activities  can  be  structured  (organized
          extracurricular  activities  and  trainings)  and  nonstructured
          (leisure).  In  this  research  term  „free  time“  refers  only  to
          nonstructured  activities.  Properly,  young  people  think
          about  free  time  as  a  period  when  they  do  not  have  any
          Some  theorists  think  that  one  of  the  best  ways  of
          developing  identity  is  taking  part  in  etracurricular
          activities.  Well  organized  time  helps  in  improving
          childrens’ behaviour and school grades.
          First hypothesis in this research is that students who have   Graph2. Correlation between organisation and grades;
          more  obligations  are  better  organized.  This  way  of
          spending time demands planning with intention to achieve   Although  there  is  no  correlation  between  grades  and
          everything.  Second  hypothesis  is  that  organized  students   busyness or grades and organisation, we can see that the
          have better grades because they do everything on time.   best students have the highest level of organisation. There
                                                                is  no  statistically  important  correlation  in  organisation
                                                                between sexes, but males are slightly better organised.

          In this research we have used questionnaire from two parts   CONCLUSION
          that  120  respondents  have  filled.  Respondents  were
          students  from  XIV,  III  ans  Sveti  Sava  grammar  school.   This research has shown that  who have more obligations
          Question  in  the  first  part  refered  to  ability  of  the   are better organized and this confirms our first hypothesis.
          organisation and students have circled the numbers from 1   Quality  time  spending  in  planned  activities  has  a  better
          to 5 answering how much certain claim refered to them. In   influence  on  students  than  the  time.  Also,  it  was  proven
          the second part students have written the number of hours   that  the  best  students  have  the  highest  level  of
          they  weekly  spent  on  named  activities.  We  have  used   organisation, which can be explained with the fact they do
          SPSS for the analysis.                                everything on time because they know how to use it. This
                                                                confirms the second hypothesis.


                                                                Ivačić, I., Sabo, J. (2010), Izvannastavne aktivnosti i njihov
                                                                utjecaj  na  učenikovo  slobodno  vrijeme  ,Zadar:Filozofski
                                                                Videnović, M., Pešić, J. & Plut, D.(2010), Young People’s
                                                                Leisure  Time:Gender  Differences,  Beograd:Filozofski
                                                                Pešić,  J.,  Videnović,  M.  &  Plut,  D  (2013),  Obrazovne
                                                                aktivnosti  srednjoškolaca  u  Srbiji:Analiza  vremenskog
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          Graph2. Correlation between busyness and organisation;

          Analysing  data  with  Pierson  test  we  dicovered  the
          correlation  between  hours  students  spend  on  activities
          (busyness) and their ability of the organisation (value is
          0.009<0.05). We can see on the graph1 that the bigger is
          busyness, the bigger is ability of the organisation.
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