Page 114 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 114
Author: Natasa Tapic Elementary school "Ivan Milutinovic", Belgrade, Serbia
Mentor: Svetlana Ivaniševid, profesor, Regionalni centar za talente
In Italy are works of the world's greatest artists. Rome is capital city. Romulus and Remus, sons of Mars, god
of war, found it in 753 bc. In Rome in late 16th century are found roots of Baroque style. With it's last faze -
rococo style, baroque is last big european style. The general charasteristics of baroque are: sense of
movement, energy, and tension. Strong contrasats of light and shadow make dramatic efect, and painters
make illusion of limitless space. Baroque use revolutionary tehnique of dramatic, selective illumination of
figures out of deep shadows - hallmark of baroque painting. The most famous painters of baroque are:
Tintoretto, Pietro da Cortona and Federico Barocci.
Renaissance is series of cultural movements in 14th, 15th and 16th century. Humanism is first, and
Renaissance is the second part of "rebirth". Some part of Renaissance had it's roots in medieval times. Italian
humanists put man in the middle of the universum and studied ancient culture and texts. Painting became art
on level with the highest intellectual things. Latin was revived and often favored at this time. Important
subject in studying artist was human body, it's anatomic structure, move laws and proportions. Painters who
marked Renaissance period are: Leonardo da Vinci with his Mona Lisa, Fra Angelico with his frescoes, Giotto
and his religious works.
Key words: Rome, Baroque, Renaissance, Romulus and Remus, Humanism, illusions
U Italiji su radovi najvedih svetskih umetnika. Rim je glavni grad. Romulus i Remus, sinovi Marsa, boga rata,
našli su ga 753. p.n.e. U Rimu su u kasnom 16. veku nađeni koreni Barok stila. Sa svojom poslednjom fazom-
rokoko stilom, barok je poslednji veliki evropski stil. Glavne karakteristike baroka su: čulo pokreta, energija i
tenzija. Jaki kontrasti svetla i senke prave dramatičan efekat, i slikari prave iluziju bezgraničnog prostora.
Barok upotrebljava revolucionarnu tehniku dramatične, selektivne iluminacije figura van dubokih senki -
zaštitnog znaka slikarstva baroka. Najpoznatiji slikari baroka su: Tintoreto, Pietro da Cortona i Federico
Renesansa je serija kulturnih pokreta u 14. 15. i 16. veku. Humanizam je prvi, a Renesansa je drugi deo
"preporoda". Neki delovi Renesanse imaju korene iz vremena srednjeg veka. Italijanski Humanisti su stavili
čoveka u centar univerzuma i učili antičku kulturu i tekstove. Slikarstvo je postalo umetnost na nivou najvedih
intelektualnih stvari. Latinski je bio oživljen i često favorizovan u to vreme. Važan predmet u studiranju
umetnika je bio ljudsko telo, njegova anatomska struktura, zakoni kretanja i proporcije. Slikari koji su obeležili
Renesansu su: Leonardo da Vinci sa svojom Mona Lizom, Fra Angelico sa svojim freskama, Giotto i njegovi
religiozni radovi. Ključne reči: Rim, Barok, Renesansa, Romulus i Remus, Humanizam, iluzije