Page 119 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 119
Mentor- Dijana Cvorovic
The Elizabethan Era is one of the most fascinating periods in English history. The greatest queen of
England – Queen Elizabeth I, gives it its name. This period of time is not only famous because of the
“Virgin Queen”, but also as the era of the Great Explorers such as Sir Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh,
the era of the very first theatres in England, the era of William Shakespeare, ”The Globe” theatre and
Christopher Marlowe. Also, it has been called the “English renaissance theatre”. The “English renaissance
theatre” consists of English drama and tragedy written between the Reformation and Closure of the
theatres from 1642 to 1644. It consists of Shakespeare’s and Marlowe’s drama along with many others.
It may also be called “Elizabethan theatre”. Significant for its amount of modern life, by its active effect
that it has on its contemporaries, English renaissance tragedy, is unsurpassable. From 1580 to 1642, it
had its strongest development. There were hundreds of poets and almost each one of them wrote about
drama. Under Elizabeth, drama was a unified expression as far as social class is concerned; the Court
watched the same plays the commoners saw in the public playhouses.
Elizabetinska Era je jedan od najfacinantnijih perioda u istoriji Engleske. Nazvan je po najvecoj kraljici
Engleske - Kraljici Elizabeti I. Ovaj vremenski period nije poznat samo po “ Kraljici Devici”, vec i kao era
Velikih Istrazivaca, kao sto su Sir Francis Drake i Walter Releigh, kao era prvih pozorista u Engleskoj, era
William Shakespeare-a, pozorista “The Globe” i Christopher Marlow-a. Takodje, nazivali su je i
Elizabetinskim renesansnim pozoristem. Englesko renesansno pozoriste sastoji se od Engleske drame i
tragedije napisane izmedju Reformacije i Zatvaranja pozorista od 1642 do 1644. Uz ostale, sastoji se i od
Sekspirove i Marlove drame. Ovaj period jos mozemo zvati i Elizabetinskim pozoristem. Znacajna po
kolicini modernog zivota, zbog svog aktivnog efekta koji je imala na svoje savremenike, Engleska
Renesansna tragedija, je neprevazidjena. Najvise se razvijala od 1580 do 1642. Bilo je na stotine pisaca.
Pod Elizabetom, sto se tice socijalne klase, drama je bila jedinstven pojam. Dvor je gledao iste predstave
kao i gradjani u javnim pozoristima.