Page 122 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 122
Od 1889, Mulen Ruz je predstavljao raskosne nastupe publici sirom sveta. Poznat po tome sto je upoznao
svet sa francuskim kan-kanom (ovekovecen zahvaljujuci umetniku Tuluz-Lotreku), ljudi su dolazili da vide perje,
glamur i luksuz dok su nastupale najlepse devojke sa tih prostora. Ovaj nocni klub je bio, mnogim umetnicima i
boemima, omiljeno mesto za opustanje i uzivanje dok su prelepe devojke nastupale samo za njih. Ovo je bilo
omiljeno mesto Tuluz-Lotreka, gde je nalazio inspiraciju. Sa postavkama koje su oduzimale dah, inovativnim
koreografijama, originalnom muzikom i odlicnom interpretacijom, Mulen Ruz je bio domacin mnogim
internacionalnim zvazdama kao sto su Liza Minnelli, Frank Sinatra i Elton John, kao i domacim zvezdama ukljucujuci
Maurice Chevalier, Jean Gabin, Edith Piaf i Yves Montand. Mulen Ruz, danas veoma sofisticirano mesto,
primamljivo je mnogim turistima. Mulen Ruz je simbol francuske kulture, kao i beomskog uticaja na zapadnu
Evropu. Mnogi reditelji i pisci su snimali filmove i pisali knjige o ovom jedinstvenom i zanimljivom mestu. Jedan od
najuspesnijih filmova je Moulin Rouge! snimljen po knjizi istoimenog naziva, koju je napisao Pierre La Mure .
Kljucne reci: Mulen Ruz, Tuluz-Lotrek, zivot bez briga, svetlucanje, uzivanje u zivotu
Since 1889, Moulin Rouge has always presented sumptuous shows to audiences all over the world.
Famous for introducing French Cancan to the world (immortalized by the artist Toulouse-Lautrec), people came to
see the feathers, glamour, luxury, as the most beautiful girls from this side of the ocean were on stage. This night
club was, to many artists and bohemians, a favourite place to relax their minds and enjoy themselves while
beautiful girls were dancing just for them. This was favourite Toulouse-Lautrec’s place where he found his
inspiration. With breathtaking sets, innovative choreography, original music, and excellent performance, Moulin
Rouge has played host to international stars such as Liza Minnelli, Frank Sinatra and Elton John as well as native
celebrities including Maurice Chevalier, Jean Gabin, Edith Piaf and Yves Montand. Moulin Rouge, today a very
sophisticated place, is attractive to many tourists. The Moulin Rouge is a symbol of French culture as well as the
bohemian influence on Western Europe. Many directors and writers have made films and written books about this
unique and interesting place. One of the most successful films is Moulin Rouge! made on the basis of the book with
the same title, written by Pierre La Mure.
Key words: Moulin Rouge, Toulouse-Lutrec, carefree life, flicker, Joie de Vivre