Page 125 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 125
‘Iron Maiden’ is a British metal band which has huge publicity in all parts of the world. I will try to show
their importance in the world of music and the role they played in the creation of the N.W.O.B.H.M. (The
New Wave Of British Heavy Metal). In my work, I will describe their history, discography, changes of
members throughout the years, Eddie (the gruesom mascot of the band), awards and records, important
tours, virtual arts, greatest hits of the band, and a concert that left the biggest impression on me.
Key words: Iron Maiden, Heavy Metal, music, band, VH1.
,,Iron Maiden“ je Britanska metal grupa koja ima ogromni publicitet u svim delovima sveta. Pokušadu da
pokažem njihovu važnost u svetu muzike i njihovu ulogu u stvaranju N.T.B.H.M. (Novi Talas Britanskog
Hevi Metala)
U svom radu, opisadu njihovu istoriju, diskografiju, promene članova benda kroz godine, Edija
(zastrašujudu maskotu benda), nagrade i rekorde, vazne turneje, virtualnu umetnost, najvede hitove
grupe, i koncert koji je na meni ostavio najvedi utisak.
Kljuĉne reĉi: Iron Maiden, Hevi Metal, muzika, bend, VH1.