Page 116 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 116



               LENKA BAJČETID, 84 O.Š. “Desanka Maksimovid”mentor: Jelena Bezarevid,


               In this work I will cite fifteen frequent used idioms, suggest how we should use them, and also, how we
               should translate them correctly. This work is also based on a research. Seventeen volunteers from my class
               took part in it. They did their best  to translate those fifteen idioms I chose for the research. Like in most

               of  the  research,  it  dropped  out  that  some  of  my  hypothesis  were  correct,  and  some  were  not.  The
               hypothesis that if an English idiom is similar to a Serbian one, and if a student is familiar to all of the
               words used in it, he will easily translate it, are correct. The assumption that the shorter idiom is, the easier

               it is to the translate it, and if student knows English well, he will be able to translate idioms correctly, are
               wrong, or at least not completely correct. It appears, according to the research, that, for correct translating,
               it is more important to know Serbian well, than to know English (pupils with excellent marks in Serbian,

               translated the idioms better than pupils with excellent marks in English).

               KEYWORDS: idiom, translation, meaning, literally, correct


               U  ovom  radu  ću  navesti  petnaest  poznatih    engleskih  idioma,  kako  se  koriste,  a  i  kako  bi  ih  trebalo
               pravilno prevesti na srpski jezik. Ovaj rad sadrţi i istraţivanje u kojem je sedamnaest dobrovoljaca iz mog
               razreda pokušalo da, najbolje što moţe, prevede tih petnaest idioma. Kao i u većini istraţivanja, za neke

               od mojih hipoteza sa ispostavilo da su taĉne, a neke su se pokazale kao pogrešne. Recimo, pretpostavke da
               što je idiom sliĉniji srpskom, i da što ima više poznatih reĉi, to ga je lakše prevesti, su se ispostavile kao

               taĉne,  a  za  pretpostavku  da  je  idiom  lakše  prevesti  što  je  kraći  i  za  hipotezu  da  ako  je  uĉenik  dobar
               poznavalac engleskog, i reĉi i gramatike, moći će da prevede većinu idioma koji su na listi, se pokazalo da
               su netaĉne ili bar ne sasvim taĉne. Pokazalo se, na uzorku mojih školskih drugova, da je za kvalitetno

               prevoĊenje idioma vaţnije dobro poznavanje srpskog nego engleskog jezika (bolje su se “pokazale” petice
               iz srpskog nego iz engleskog).

               KLJUĈNE REĈI: idiom, prevod, znaĉenje, bukvalno, taĉno
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