Page 115 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 115
Author: Boško Ognjevid, VII2 , Elementary school “Milan Dj. Milidevid”, Belgrade, Serbia
Mentors: Jelena Bezarevid, Jelena Govedarica - English language teachers
SUMMARY: The magical world of Harry Potter that J.K.Rowling created in period 2000-2007 represents
a truly amazing and original achievement in contemporary literature. The authoress didn’t tell only an
extraordinary dynamic, exciting and splendid story, but she succeeded in designing an authentic wizards’
universe. The whole “army” of the most fantastic creatures is “marching” literary trough Harry Potter’s
series, but this research, the first one of a kind in our country, deals with only 17 most dominant figures.
They are represented in the order of their appearance in six volumes of the Harry Potter series. The last,
seventh volume (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), has no new magical creatures, but epic battle,
known as the Battle of Hogwarts, that confronts all meanwhile mentioned characters in final struggle for
domination over the world of wizards. The main aim of this work is to define and analyse this fantastic
magizoology representatives, with an intention to discover which of those creatures exist or existed in
ancient myths and folk tales, and how many of them are “fruits” of authoress’ overwhelming
KEY WORDS: Magic, zoology, creatures, beasts, beings, origins, myth, legends, folklore, religions, tales,
literature, symbolism, imagination, compilation and originality