Page 167 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 167
Autor: MILICA GRČID, učenica VII razreda OŠ ’’Josif Pančid’’, Beograd
Mentor: JELENA LUKOVID, stručni saradnik, Geografski fakultet , Beograd
Cilj rada je bio da na verodostojan način napišem moje impresije o najvedem gradu u Indiji, Mumbaju,
jer sam imala priliku da ga posetim i vidim razlike i suprotnosti u izgledu pojedinih delova grada i načinu
života njegovih stanovnika.
Na jednoj strani mogu se videti raskošne palate, hoteli i vile, široke asfaltirane ulice, luksuzni automobili i
visok standard bogatih, a na drugoj strani mnoštvo prosjaka, prljave četvrti, uske ulice, male kude sa
puno siromašnih stanara, u kojima u jednoj sobi spava i do 20 lica. Veliki broj ljudi spava i na trotoarima
Kude na periferiji grada su prizemne, sa zidovima od bambusa, sušenog blata ili cigle, obično sa jednom
sobom, bez prozora.
Siromašni stanovnici grada smestili su svoje ’’udžerice’’pored prelepih, savremenih
zgrada i one su me potsetila na ’’karton’’ naselja ispod mosta “Gazele” i pored obrenovačkog puta na
Čukaričkoj padini.
Sve prizore sa gradskih ulica sam fotografisala i po povratku u Srbiju napravila veliki broj fotografija.
Ključne reči: Bombaj, Mumbaj, svetlost, beda, ’’karton’’ naselja
The aim of this paper was to write a credible way, my impressions of the greatest city in India ,Mumbai ,
because I had the opportunity to visit and see the differences and contradictions in the appearance of
certain parts of town and way of life of its inhabitants. On the one hand can be seen luxurious palace,
hotels and villas, a wide paved street, luxury cars and a high standard for the rich, and on the other side,
many beggar, dirty quarter, narrow streets, small houses with a lot of poor tenants, in which one room
sleeps up to 20 persons. A large number of people sleeping on the sidewalk and street. Houses on the
outskirts of the city are ground floor, with walls of bamboo, dried mud or brick, usually with one room,
without windows. Poor inhabitants of the city put their shanty settlements nex to beautiful, modern
buildings and they remembered me on shanty settlements under the bridge "Gazelle" and the next
Obrenovac rode on Čukarička slope. All the scenes with the city street I photographed and return to
Serbia, made a large number of photos.
Key words: Bombay, Mumbai, brightness, misery, shanty settlements