Page 171 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 171
Autor Eleonora Nikšid, učenica VIII razreda Osnovne škole Vuk Karadžid, Beograd,
Sremčica, Mentor Dr Slavoljub Dragidevid, docent na Geografskom fakultetu, Beograd
Poslednjih 15. godina usled loše političke situacije u zemlji i odvajanja bivših republika SFR Jugoslavije
dospeli smo u situaciju da je naše rečno brodarstvo konstantno nazadovalo. Tokom intervjua došla sam
do saznanja da je zbog slabog interesovanja i ulaganja čelnih ljudi Beograda u izgradnju pristaništa i
njegove celokupne infrastrukture, kupovinu novih, a ne rashodovanih plovila sa zapada i zbog
nepovoljnih kredita i visokih poreza, građani koji žele da se bave rečnim turizmom odustaju od te ideje.
To su činjenice koje se moraju promeniti da bi Beograd kao grad koji izlazi na dve međunarodne reke
mogao privudi veliki broj domadih i stranih turista, i tako iskoristiti prirodne lepote naših reka u različite
Ključne reči nautika, brodovi,čarter, reka, Dunav, marketing, turizaM
Because of the bad political situation in our country and secession of ex republics of SFR Yugoslavia
in last fifteen years, we found ourselves in the situation that our river navigation has constantly been
going backwards. During the interview, have come to know that citizens who want to occupy themselves
with river tourism give up that idea, because of the low interests and investments of influental Belgrade
citizens into building of a quay and its whole infrastructure and buying new, not used vessels from west
and because of unfavourable credits and high taxes. Those are the facts which have to be changed so
that Belgrade, as a city wich lays on two international rivers, could attract a large number of domestic
and foreign tourists, and thus it could use its natural beauties of our rivers for various purposes.
Key words: nautics, shipping, charter a ship, river, Danube, marketing, tourism