Page 340 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 340
Autor: JOVANA ĐUROVIĆ OŠ ,, Rade Drainac” VII-1, Borĉa
Mentor: VIOLETA KOMNENOVIĆ, profesor matematike
Matematika ĉesto ima primenu i u samom ţivotu, ustvari ţivot bi bez matematike bio nezamisliv. Oko
sebe srećemo razlicite figure i njihove nizove, ali se niko ne zapita zašto je to tako i koja je to vrsta figura.
To su najĉesce MAGICNE FIGURE. U ovom radu cu Vam prikazati neke od najzanimljivijih i najĉešćih
primera ovih figura, ali naravno postoji još mnogo drugih primera.
Mathematics is often used in everyday life, actually, we can‟t immagine life itself without Maths. There
are various figures and their series around us, but no one is asking why this is exactly like that and what
type of figure that is. Those figures are mostly THE MAGIC FIGURES. In this article I am going to show
some of the most interesting and the most common examples of those figures, but of course there are
many more examples.