Page 341 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 341
Autor: Dragan Dţivdţanović, OŠ ‟‟Stevan SinĊelić‟‟ VII/1
Nastavnik matematike: Sanja Nikolić
U prirodi se stalno dešavaju ponavljanja stvari iznova i iznova (reprodukcija nekih ţivotinja...) TakoĊe, i ljudi stalno
ponavljaju neke stvari po utvrĊenom redosledu (npr. Deca idu u školu u isto vreme, a ĉasovi se svake nedelje
ponavljaju istim redosledom). MeĊutim, ljudi to ne primećuju, ali matematika da.
Još kao dete sam bio upoznat sa nekim poznatijim, l lakim za rešavanje nizovima koje sam rešavao, a da nisam
znao ni šta je niz, a kamoli formule za njegovo izraĉunavanje. IzmeĊu ostalog, na testu za prijem u ovaj Centar,
najbolje sam upravo uradio oblast nizova.
To me je navelo da oblast nizova bolje istraţim, a prava prilika se upravo nametnula u ovom nauĉno-istraţivaĉkom
Za poĉetak, najpoznatiji nizovi su;
- aritmetiĉki nizovi
- geometrijski nizovi
In nature repeating things happens often. All the time, over and over again (like reproduction of animals). People
often repeat things too. (for example: children go to school at same time every day, every week they have same
classes, which repeat in the same order).
However people don‟t give much attention to that, but mathematics does. As one of the science which study natural
phenomena, but of course working with numbers only.
Since I was a kid I was solving some easy series, but I wasn‟t aware that those series have some special formulas
for their calculation.
Among the rest, I did best this theme at the test for receiving at this centre. That encourage me to do
more research about series, and good opportunity is to that at this scientific research.
For start, well-known series are:
- Arithmetic progression
- Geometric progression