Page 367 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 367


    AUTOR: MILICA  MATORĈEVIĆ ,VIII 2,OŠ „Mića Stojković“,Umĉari

    MENTOR:VESNA RAJŠIĆ,profesor matematike,Elektrotehniĉka škola „Nikola Tesla“, Beograd


    Diofantove  jednaĉine  predstavljaju  staru  i  znaĉajnu  temu  kojom  su  se  matematiĉari  bavili  kroz  bogatu  istoriju
    matematickih  teorija  i  problema.Istovremeno  problemi  Diofantovih  jednaĉina  su  i  jedan  od  problema  kojima  se
    matematiĉari i vremenski dugo bave.Matijaševiĉeva teorema i rešavanje Fermaovog problema dali su odgovore na dva
    znaĉajnija problema vezana za Diofantove jednaĉine.Istorijat Diofantovih jednaĉina je u matematiĉkoj nauci jedan od
    najinteresantnijih istorijskih puteva.Razvoj teorijske misli o Diofantovim jednaĉinama, najuţe je povezan sa evolucijom
    matematike,razvojem matematiĉkih teorija i metoda.

    Kljuĉne reĉi:Diofantove jednaĉine,linearne Diofantove jednaĉine,Diofant iz Aleksandrije, Pitagorine trojke.


    Throughout the rich history of mathematical theories and problems,Diophantus equatious have always beew an old and
    important matter mathematicians used to deal with.Diophantus equations are also the matter requires time due to their

    Matijaševic's theorem  and solving Fermat's  problem gave answer to  two important  problems  concerning  Diophantus
    equations.The history of Diophantus equations is one of the most interesting historical paths in mathematical science.

    The  development  of  theoretical  thought  about  Diophantus  equations  is  dosely  connected  to  the  evolution  of
    mathematics,the development of mathematical theories and methods.

    Keywords: Diophantus equations , linear Diophantus equations, Diophantus of Alexandria, Pythagoras trebles.
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