Page 371 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 371
autor: Jevrem Leverda razred: VIII škola: OŠ „Kralj Petar I “
mentor: Vesna Rajšić profesor matematike
Cilj ovog mog rada jeste bolje upoznavanje sa površinama figura, na način kako se ta oblast razvijala kroz istoriju geometrije.
Pratedi logičkа zaključivanjа proisteklа iz praktičnih problema iskoristidemo definicije i stavove koji se ne menjaju još od staro
grdkih matematičara uprkos stalnom razvoju matematike i pojavi velikog broja novih disciplina.
Prvim delom rada „Površine figura I“ započeo sam ispitivanje ove vrlo interesantne i široko primenjene oblasti.
Potreba za daljim istraživanjem u istoj oblasti sama se nametnula.
Namera ovog rada je da predstavi primenu izračunavanja površina geometrijskih figura u nešto složenijim zadacima.
Do zaključka o izračunavanju površina figura dolazimo i teorijski, a zatim ih potvrđujemo i kroz razne primere, počev od
najelementarnijih obrađenih u „Površine figura I“ pa do nešto složenijih zadataka (obrađenih) u ovom radu.
Doslednom primenom teorema na zadatke, kao glavni rezultat rada, istakao bih mogudu primenu ideja iz rada na konkretne
probleme iz prakse (demonstrirano kroz primere koje sam obradio).
Ključne reči: podudarnost, površina, figure, izračunavanje
The aim of this paper is to give deeper insight into the surfaces area of figures, following their development throught the history of
geometry. Studying logical reasoning which results from practical problems, we shall introduce more precise definitions being the
same since ancient Greek mathematicians in spite of the appearance of many new disciplines.
The first part of this paper „The Surfaces Area of Figures I“ we have started via the research of this extremely interesting branch of
knowlwge. The need for further study and research, in the same field, has imposed itself naturally.
The purpose of this paper is to show the practical application of calculations of the surfaces area of figures in somewhat
complicated tasks and examples.
Conclusions about the surfaces area of figures are also formed an the basic of theory and then checked practically from
elementary to more complex examples carried out and presented in „The Surfaces Area of Figures I“
Consistent application of the theoremes in these exercises should be pointed out as the main result of the paper. Also we could
mention the possibillity of practical use of ideas of the paper in practice (shown throught examples).
Key words: analogy, surfaces area, figures, calculations.