Page 9 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 9


                                             BREAST CANCER PREVENTION

               AUTOR: STRAHINJA DUĈIĆ, uĉenik VIII razreda Osnovne škole „ Nikola Tesla” , Regionalni centar za talente
               Beograd II.

               MENTOR: professor VESNA RAJIŠIĆ ETŠ „Nikola Tesla”


               Svaki treći ĉovek na našoj planeti će za vreme svoga života oboleti od neke vrste raka. Najvažniji
               ĉinioci  spreĉavanja raka dojke smo  mi sami. Na našoj  planeti se svaka tri minuta primeti rak
               dojke.  Svake  godine  sve  više  i  više  žena  umre  od  raka  dojke.  Poledice  umiranja  su  mala
               informisanost i mali broj odlazaka kod lekara specijalista. Svrha mog celukupnog istraživaĉkog
               rada, jeste prevencija rak dojke. U njemu će se nalaziti uvod, u kome će biti sadržaj koji nam
               govori:Šta je tumor? Kako tumor nastaje? Kada se javlja? Kako se može osetiti? Glavni deo rada
               biće prevencija raka dojke.

               KLJUĈNE REĈI: tumor, rak, dojka, simptomi, prevencija.


               Every third man on the planet during his life become ill from some kind of cancer. The most
               important factors preventing breast cancer is ourselves. On our planet every three minutes notice
               breast cancer. Every year more and more women die from breast cancer. Ice awareness dying are
               small and few visits to specialists. The whole purpose of my research, is the prevention of breast
               cancer. It will include an introduction, in which the content will be telling us: What is a tumor?
               As  the  tumor  occurs?  When  does  it  occur?  How  can  one  feel?  The  main  part  will  be  the
               prevention of breast cancer.

               KEY WORDS: tumor, cancer, breast, symptoms, prevention.
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