Page 12 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 12


                                                 MEDULLA OBLONGATA

               AUTOR: ANA BOUHADDA, uĉenica VII razreda Osnovne škole “Jovan Miodragović”, Regionalni
               centar za talente Beograd II

               MENTOR: SNEŢANA RADUKIĆ, diplomirani biolog, OŠ “Vožd KaraĊorĊe” Jakovo


               Produžena moždina (medulla oblongata) je deo centralnog nervnog sistema. Ona sa Varolijevim mostom i srednjim
               mozgom ĉini moždano stablo. Produžena moždina se nastavlja na kiĉmenu moždinu i ima oblik kupe ĉiji je donji
               kraj u nivou velikog otvora lobanje. Duga je oko 2,5 cm. U produženoj moždini se nalazi ĉvor života, veoma mali,
               ali i veoma važan deo produžene moždine, za koji mali broj populacije zna. Ovde se nalaze najvažniji automatski
               centri  za  regulaciju  disanja,  krvnog  pritiska,  rada  srca.  Ovi  centri  su  smešteni  u  evoluciono  najstarijem  delu
               moždanog stabla i primaju informacije sa periferije tela i u zavisnosti od toga, menjaju brzinu disanja, broj otkucaja
               u minuti, krvni pritisak. Iz produžene moždine polazi veći broj kranijalnih (moždanih) nerava koji regulišu razliĉite
               delove lica, jezika i ždrela, kao i vitalne funkcije tela kao što su disanje, rad srca, gutanje, pljuvanje, povraćanje.

               U toku istraživanja rada sam pronašla veliki broj informacija vezanih za graĊu i ulogu produžene moždine, kao i
               dosta slika. Znaĉajan doprinos mom radu je donela i poseta izložbi “Razotkrivanje tela” gde sam bila više puta i
               imala jedinstvenu priliku da vidim nervni sistem ĉoveka, prepariran specijalnim tehnikama, da obratim pažnju na
               produženu moždinu i da saslušam struĉno predavanje vezano za moju temu. Iz svega navedenog se može zakljuĉiti
               da je produžena moždina jako važan deo CNS-a koja utiĉe na one funkcije koje održavaju ĉoveka u životu.

               KLJUĈNE REĈI: produžena moždina, moždano stablo, nervni centri, život i smrt


               Medulla oblongata (medulla oblongata) is part of the central nervous system. Medulla oblongata with the bridge and
               middle brain makes the brain stem. Medulla oblongata is a continuation of the spinal cord and has a shape of a cone,
               whose lower end of the large opening in the skull level. It is about 2.5 cm. The texture medulla oblongata is very
               similar to the spinal cord, but the gray matter composed of nerve cell bodies, there is no form of butterfly wings
               spread,  which  is  characteristic  of  the  spinal  cord.  Gray  matter  is  divided  into  a  number  of  islands.  The  medulla
               oblongata is still living facility, a very small but very important part of the medulla oblongata, in which a small
               number of known populations. Here are the most important centers for the automatic control of breathing, blood
               pressure and heart rate. These centers are located in the evolutionarily oldest part of the brain stem, and receive
               information from the periphery of the body and depending on it, change the breathing rate, the number of beats per
               minute, blood pressure. Departs from the medulla oblongata more cranial (brain) nerves that regulate different parts
               of the face, tongue and throat, as well as the vital body functions such as breathing, heart rate, swallowing, spitting,
               vomiting. During this research I found a great deal of information regarding the structure and role of the medulla
               oblongata  and  plenty  of  pictures.  A  significant  contribution  to  my  work  has  contributed  to  visit  the  exhibition
               "Exposing  the  Body"  where  I  have  been  several  times  and  had  a  unique  opportunity  to  see  the  human  nervous
               system,  stuffed  with  special  techniques,  to  bring  attention  to  the  medulla  oblongata  and  to  listen  to  a  lecture
               regarding my topic. From the above it can be concluded that the medulla oblongata very important part of the central
               nervous system that affects the functions that take place in human life.

               KEY WORDS: extension cord, brain stem, nerve centers, life and death
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