Page 16 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 16
AUTOR: TAMARA RAKIĆ, uĉenica VIII razreda Osnovne škole „Dragojlo Dudić“, Regionalni centar za talente
II, Beograd
MENTOR: SNEŢANA RADUKIĆ, diplomirani biolog, OŠ „Vožd KaraĊorĊe“, Jakovo
Zubni kamenac je mineralizovani plak koji može biti veoma štetan po zdravlje zuba.Ne može se ukloniti četkicom za
zube, ved je neophodno da njegovo odstranjivanje obavi stručna osoba. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi kako on
nastaje, koji su uzročnici njegovog nastanka, kao i najefikasnije metode uklanjanja. Njegov nastanak zavisi od pH
vrednosti pljuvačke i njenog sastava, oralne higijene, starosnog doba i rasporeda zuba. Češde se javlja kod starijih
osoba i nije ustanovljen kod dece mlađe od devet godina.Zubni kamenac može biti uzročnik veoma ozbiljnih bolesti
desni, kao što su parodontopatija i gingivitis. Radi sprečavanja tih bolesti veoma je bitno njegovo uklanjanje.
Postoje dva načina uklanjanja ovih naslaga – mehaničko i ultrazvučno. Mehanički način je zastareo i njegovu ulogu
sve više preuzima moderniji i efikasniji ultrazvučni metod.U ovom radu korišdeni su statistički podaci stomatoloških
ordinacija Doma zdravlja „Zvezdara“ u poslednja tri meseca 2012. godine. Oni prikazuju brojno stanje punoletnih
pacijenata koji su došli radi uklanjanja zubnog kamenca. Ti podaci su neophodni radi utvrđivanja učestalosti ove
pojave kod ljudi. Njima je ustanovljeno da se oko deset procenata zatraženih usluga odnosi na čišdenje zubnog
kamenca. Prevencija je veoma bitnakako bi se umanjio rizik od nastanka ovih naslaga. Važno je voditi računa o
oralnoj higijeni, redovno posedivati stomatologa, izbegavati pušenje i slatkiše.
KLJUČNE REČI: zubni kamenac, plak, uklanjanje, prevencija
Dental calculus is a mineralized plaque which can be very harmful for the health of our teeth. It can’t be removed
simply by toothbrush and it has to be done by a person who is an expert in this field – a dentist. The aim of this
research is to find out how a person can get it, what are the causes of it, and finally which methods are the most
efficient for removing this from our mouth. The cause of it depends on pH of saliva and its structure, oral hygiene,
age group and arrangement of teeth. It is more common among older people and it is never found among the
children under the age of nine. The problem with dental calculus can cause very serious gum diseases like:
periodontosis and gingivitis.Preventing ourselves from these diseases means that it is very important to remove
calculus. There are two ways of removing it: mechanical and ultrasonic way. The mechanical way became a bit
obsolete and its role has been changed by more modern and efficient ultrasonic way. The statistic facts in this work
are used and taken from the ambulance of dentistry in “Zvezdara” Health Center, for the last three months in 2012.
These facts show the number of mature patients who came to the ambulance to remove dental calculus. These
facts are important for defining the frequency of these appearances. It is established that about 10% of requested
services is referred to the cleaning of dental calculus. The prevention is very important in order to decrease a risk of
having these teeth deposits. It is important to take care about oral hygiene, visit your dentist more often and avoid
smoking and sweets.
KEY WORDS: dental calculus, plaque, removing, prevention