Page 11 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 11
Autor: Andrijana Ćorović Uĉenica VII razreda osnovne škole “Filip Filipović”
Ajkule su misteriozni stanovnici okeana. Iako neke vrste napadaju ljude, postoje I druge vrste koje su bezopasne.
Ljudi su se nepraveno poneli prema ajkulama – seĉa njihovih peraja i kasnije vraćanje ajkula u okean da umiru u
najgorim mukama predstavljaju užasan prizor, zbog toga sun eke vrste ajkula pred istrebljenjem. Ajkule su ribe kojih
se ljudi plaše najviše u okeanu, a njihova istorija poĉela je pre oko 500 miliona godina. Ajkule su ribe sa
hrskaviĉavim skeletom, nemaju riblji mehur zbog ĉega moraju konstantno da plivaju. Postoji preko 250 vrsta ajkula,
od onih koje su jako male kao što su Malew Morske Maĉke do najvećih riba u moru, Kit ajkula. Sve oni imaju
razliĉite osobine, naĉine ishrane, ali imaju i mnogo sliĉnosti. Neke su najveći predatori u moru kao naprimer Velika
Bela Ajkula, dok su neke bezopasne i jedu samo planktone kao Golema Psina.
Kljuĉne reĉi: Ajkula, grabljivica, istrebljenje
Sharks are the mysterious inhabitants of the ocean. Although some species attack humans, there are other species that
are harmless. People were brought to nepraveno sharks - cutting their fins and later restore shark in the ocean to die
in the worst pain are terrible sight. Sharks are fish that most people are afraid of the ocean, and their history began
about 500 million years ago. Sharks are fish with cartilaginous skeletons, no swim bladder therefore must constantly
swim. There are over 250 species of sharks, from those that are very small, such as Malew Catfish to the largest fish
in the sea, the Whale Shark. All of them have different characteristics, diet, but they also have many similarities.
Some of the largest predators in the sea, as for example the Great White Shark, and some are harmless and eat only
plankton as a Huge Prank.
Key words: The shark, predator, extermination