Page 10 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 10
Autor: Miloš Carevid Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II
Mentor: Dr Anđa Vučetid
Insekti spadaju medju najstarije vrste organizama na našoj planeti. Iako su mali, njihovo telo je veoma
složeno. Pretpostavlja se da kada bi došlo do nuklearnog rata jedina životinja koja bi preživela bila bi
bubašvaba. Nervni sistem obezbedjuje primanje nadražaja i reagovanje organizma na njih. Nervni sistem
kod insekata je ganglioneran i lestvičast. Postoje centralni, periferni i simpatički nervni sistem. Centralni
nervni sistem kod insekata čine mozak i trbušna verižica. Rad sam bazirao na disekciji i naučnoj litaraturi i
u njemu du detaljno opisati gradju i funkciju nervnog sistema insekata na primeru američke bubašvabe.
Ključne reči: insekt, američka bubašvaba, nervni sistem, Periplaneta Americana
Insects are among the oldest species of organisms on the planet to ours. Although small, their bodies are
very complex. It is assumed that there would be no nuclear When the war is the only animal that could
survive would be cockroaches. Nervous system ensures I receive irritation response of the organism to
them. Add the central and peripheral sympathetic nervous system alone. The nervous system of the
insect ladder . uppharyngeal ganglion are particularly developed in social insects such as ants, bees and
termites. Their senses are also well-developed, characterized by complex eyes. I based my work on the
scientific literature is in it I'll describe in detail the physique function of the nervous system of insects on
the example of the American cockroach.
Keywords: insect, American cockroach, nervous system, Periplaneta americana