Page 15 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 15
AUTOR:TEODORA JOVANOVIC, ucenica VII razreda Osnovne skole ,,Djura Danicic”, Regionalni centar za
talente II, Beograd
MENTOR: SNEZANA RADUKIC,diplomirani biolog: Os ,,Vozd Karadjordje”, Jakovo
Gmizavci su kicmenjaci sa promenljivom telesnom temperaturom (hladnokrvni organizmi), koji citav zivot
disu pomocu pluca, ne menjaju oblik, tj. ne prolaze kroz stadijum metamorfoze kao vodozemci, imaju srce
sa potpuno podeljenim pretkomorama i neputpuno podeljenom komorom, a njihovo telo ima rozni pokrivac,
odnosno prekriveno je roznim krljustima a kod nekih vrsta i kostanim plocama. U gmizavce se ubrajaju:
gusteri, zmije, aligatori, kornjace, krokodili, kao i danas izumrla stvorenja kao sto su dinosaurusi i preci
ptica. Zmije se dele na: otrovnice i neotrovnice. Jedna razlika izmedju otrovnih i neotrovnih zmija je sto
su kod otrovnih uocljive zlezde na bocnim stranama glave, pa im je glava trouglastog oblika uz uocljiv
vrat. Ako se uzme u obzir ne samo broj otrovnih, vec i opasnost po zdravlje i zivot ljudi, zmije su bez
sumnje, prakticno najotrovnije zivotinje. Ima ih oko 2400 vrsta, od toga oko 390 su otrovnice. Pretezno zive
u toploj, ali i umerenoj klimi svih kontineneta. Sve prave otrovnice Srbije pripadaju familiji vipera. Zmije
otrovnice koje nastanjuju podrucje Srbije su: poskok i sarka, koju u Hrvatskoj nazivaju ridjovka, u Sloveniji
– gad, a u Bosni - sargan. Dejstvo zmijskog otrova na coveka (i zivotinje) specificno je vise ili manje za
svaku vrstu zmija, ili bar grupu blisko srodnih otrovnica. Medjutim, zavisno od nacina delovanja otrova sve
otrovnice se mogu podeliti na dve grupe. Kod jedne grupe otrov deluje neurogeno, tj. preko nervnog
sistema, kod druge grupe deluje humoralno, tj. preko krvnog sistema. Svim otrovnicama na podrucju Srbije
otrov deluje humoralno.KLJUCNE RECI:gmizavci, zmije, otrovnice, zubni aparat, humoralno dejstvo, serum
Reptiles are vertebrates with variable body temperature (cold-blooded organisms). They breathe through
lungs their whole lives, and don’t change their shape – so, unlike amphibians they don’t have a
metamorphosis period. They have a heart with divided atriums and one incompletely divided ventricle, and
their body is covered with corneous scales, and, in some cases, osseous scales. Species of reptiles include:
lizards, snakes, aligators, turtles, crocodiles, as well as some extinct species, like dinosaurs and some
ancestors of birds. Snakes types are classified as: venomous and non- venomous snakes. The difference
between those two types is that venomous snakes have more visible lateral glands on the head, so the
head has triangular shape and the neck is more exposted. Counting all venomous and all other dangerous
types for the life of human beings, snakes are- without a doubt- the deadliest animals in the world. There
is around 2400 types of snakes on our planet, of which 390 are venomous. They mostly live in warm, but
also in temperate climate conditions, on all continents. In Serbia, all real venomous snakes are from the
viper family. The snakes Serbia is mostly inhabited with are adders and nose- horned vipers. In Croatia,
that snakes called - “ ridjovka”, in Slovenia thez call it - “ gad”, and in Bosnia -“ sargan”. The effects of
snake venom- on humans, as well as animals- is more or less specific to each species of snake, or at least
to each group of closely related ones. However, depending of the way the venom takes effect, all
venomous snakes can be separated in two groups. With one group, the venom acts neurogenically (more
precisely, through the nervous system), and with the other group it acts on humoral imunity (through the
blood system). In Serbia, the venom of all venomous snakes acts on humoral imunity.
KEY WORDS: reptiles, snakes, venomous, teeth, humoral effects, antidote