Page 20 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 20
AUTOR: TAMARA RAKIĆ, uĉenica VII razreda Osnovne škole „Dragojlo Dudić“, Regionalni
centar za talente II, Beograd MENTOR: Dr FILIS MORINA, nauĉni saradnik, Institut za
multidisciplinarna istraživanja, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Čulo vida je deo nervnog sistema koji omoguduje organizmima da vide. Organ čula vida je oko, i ukoliko ne postoji
ozbiljno opteredenje fotoreceptora, pruža preko osamdeset procenata utisaka iz spoljašnje sredine. Za letenje je
potreban dobar vid, što je obezbeđeno kod ptica. U zavisnosti od položaja očiju razlikujemo monokulrani i
binokularni vid. Ptice sa monokularnim vidom imaju oči sa strane i širi vidokrug, dok ptice sa binokularnim vidom
imaju oči napred i uži vidokrug, ali bolje procenjuju daljinu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati na najbolji mogudi
način kako ptice vide sve što ih okružuje i koliko ovo veoma bitno čulo utiče na način njihovog preživljavanja. U
ovom radu korišdena je razna literatura i slike očiju ptica koje su pomogle u istraživanju. Takođe, radi razumevanja
podataka, posmatrane su različite vrste ptica i njihovo snalaženje u okruženju. Sama anatomija oka ptica pomaže
im da razviju veoma dobar vid, koji je u mnogim sličajevima bolji od ljudskog. Veliki broj fotoreceptora pomaže
pticama da stvore veoma oštru sliku svoje okoline, što je veoma važno za njihovo preživljavanje. Neke ptice mogu
čak da vide boje koje čovek nije u mogudnosti da vidi. To im pomaže u pronalaženju hrane. Iz ovoga može da se
izvede zaključak da je vid različitih vrsta ptica prilagođen svakoj vrsti u zavisnosti od njihovih potreba u cilju što
bezbednijeg opstanka.
KLJUČNE REČI: vid, oko, ptice, fotoreceptor
The sense of sight is part of the nervous system which enables organisms to see. The eye is an organ of the sense
of sight and if there is no serious burden of photoreceptors, it extends over eighty percents expressions from the
external environment .Good sight is very important for flying which is provided to birds. Depend on the position of
the eyes we distinguish monocular and binocular sight. Birds with monocular sight have their eyes positioned on
the sides and wider view, while birds with binocular sight have their eyes positioned in front with narrower view
, but they judge the distance much better. The aim of this research is to find the best way presenting how birds
can see all the things they are surrounded with and also to find out how this very important sense has the great
impact on the survival of the birds. The different literature which is used in this work and many pictures of the
birds’ eyes helped in this research. Because of the better understanding of facts here we also observed many
different kinds of birds and their coping in an environment. The anatomy of the bird’s eye helps them to develop
very good sight which is better than the human sight in many ways. The large number of photoreceptors helps
them to make very clear image of the environment which is very important for their survival. Some birds even
can see the colours which human being can’t. That is very important while searching for food. We can make a
conclusion from this that the sight of the different kinds of birds is adapted to every type of the bird depending
on their needs looking for more safe survival.
KEY WORDS : sight, eye, birds, photoreceptor