Page 18 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 18


                                     HEMOPHILIA AS ONE OF THE BLOOD DISEASES

                 AUTOR: Sandra Aleksic Ucenica VIII razreda Osnovne Skole ,,Sveti Sava“

               Regionalni centar za Talente Beograd 2 Mentor:Diplomirani molekularni biolog i fiziolog Arian Morina


               Koje su bolesti krvi? Sta je hemofilija? Naslednost hemofilije? Simptomi hemofilije? Tretman hemofilije? Predostrostroznost?

               Bolesti  krvi  i  krvotvornih  organa  su:poremecaji  eritrocitne  loze,poremecaji  leukocitne  loze,maligne  bolesti  krvi,poremecaji
               hemostaze  i  bolesti  slezine.Hemofilija  je  nasledno  oboljenje  iz  grupe  poremedaja  u  procesu  zgrušavanja  krvi  koje  se  javlja
               uglavnom  kod  muškaraca  jer  se  nasleđuje  recesivno  vezano  za  X  hromozom.  Hemofiličari  ne  krvare  intenzivnije  od  zdravih
               osoba,  ali  mogu  krvariti  mnogo  duže  vreme.  Unutrašnje  krvarenje  može  izazvati  teška  oštedenja  pa  čak  se  završiti  i  fatalno
               (krvarenje u mozak).

               Hemofilija  je  sklonost  krvarenju,  vrsta  hemoragične  dijateze  koja  se  najčešde  recesivno  nasleđuje.  Od  klasične  hemofilije
               oboljevaju gotovo isključivo muškarci, dok  žene prenose bolest na svoje sinove. Samo u izuzetnim slučajevima i žene mogu
               oboleti ukoliko je otac hemofiličar, a majka konduktor.

                Kako se hemofilija prenosi sa generacije na generaciju?

                                 Geni odgovorni za proizvodnju faktora VIII i IX, koji su mutirani geni kod hemofilije, smešteni su u X hromozomu. Ovo
               hemofiliju  čini  genetskim  poremedajem  povezanim  sa  polom  osobe.  Zbog  činjenice  da  nosioci  imaju  jedan  normalan  X
               hromozom koji proizvodi određenu količinu faktora VIII ili IX, oni su zaštideni od najtežeg oblika Hemofilije, pri kome je nivo
               faktora zgrušavanja, u krvi, manji od 1%.Ipak, varijacije nivoa faktora zgrušavanja kod nosioca hemofilije vrlo su široke.


               What are the diseases of the blood?  What is hemophilia?  Heritability of hemophilia?  The symptoms of hemophilia?

               Treatment of hemophilia? Precautions?

               Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs are: erythrocyte lineage disorders, disorders of leukocyte lineage, malignant blood
               diseases,  disorders  of  hemostasis  and  slezine.Hemofilija  disease  is  an  inherited  disorder  of  the  group  of  disorders  in  blood
               clotting process, which occurs mainly in men as related to inherited recessive X chromosome. Hemophiliacs do not bleed more
               intensely  than  healthy  people,  but  they  can  bleed  a  lot  more  time.  Internal  bleeding  can  cause  severe  damage  and  even
               complete and fatal (bleeding in brain).

               Hemophilia  is  a  bleeding  tendency,  types  of  hemorrhagic  diathesis,  which  are  usually  recessive  inheritance.  From  classic
               hemophilia affects almost exclusively men, while women spread the disease to their sons. Only in exceptional cases, women can
               become ill if a Hemophiliac father and mother, conductor.

               How Hemophilia is passed from generation to generation?

               genes responsible for producing factor VIII and IX, which genes are mutated in hemophilia, are placed in the X chromosome.
               This makes hemophilia genetic disorder associated with a person's gender. Due to the fact that carriers have one normal X
               chromosome that produces a certain amount of factor VIII or IX, they are protected from the worst forms of hemophilia, in
               which the level of clotting factor in blood, less than 1%. However, variations in levels of clotting factor in Hemophilia carrier very
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