Page 98 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 98
DANKA VUJINOVIC I1, OG "Milutin Milankovic",Regionalni centar za talenete,Beograd
In this work I will try to explain the difficulty we students have in learning idioms. At the very
beginning I will describe these expressions with figurative meanings and their cultural references.
Idioms are typically localised and can be quite useless if used beyond their local context. I will
explain the role of native speakers in learning idioms. Then, I will present the origin of some
idioms I managed to find, and the best way to learn them. Our teacher gave us some hints for this
and I will explain. This work is also based on a survey. The third grade students from my school
participated in this survey. I gave a list of some idioms in English and Serbian for them to
translate. I will present the difficulties they had and conclusions I made. Aside from the basic
elements of the language you are learning, figurative expressions are really important, that is why
you need to learn idioms while you learn a language.
Key Words: idiom, translation, meaning, culture, figurative
U ovom radu cu pokusati da objasnim poteskocu koju mi djaci imamo kada ucimo idiome.Na
samom pocetku rada cu objasniti ove izraze koji imaju figurativno znacenje i njihovu vezanost za
odredjenu kulturu. Idiomi su tipicno lokalizovani izrazi i mogu biti beskorisni ako se koriste van
svog konteksta.Objasnicu i ulogu govornika maternjeg jezika u procesu ucenja idioma. Zatim cu
prikazati poreklo nekih idioma koje sam uspela da pronadjem, i najbolji nacin kako ih
nauciti.Nasa nastavnica nam je dala izvesne savete koje cu objasniti.Ovaj rad je takodje zasnovan
na jednoj anketi.Listu idioma na engleskom i srpskom jeziku sam dala ucenicima treceg razreda u
nasoj skoli da prevedu.Predstavicu poteskoce koje su oni imali i do kojih sam zakljicaka ja
dosla.Pored osnovnih elemenata jezika koga ucite,izrazi koji imaju figurativno znacenje su
takodje vrlo vazni,i zato je vazno uciti idiome dok ucite neki jezik.
Kljucne reci: idiom, prevod, znacenje, kultura, figurativno