Page 101 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 101
Autor: SASA MARKOVIC, VIII razred, OS „Posavski partizani“ Obrenovac
The development of the Internet as a medium available to the general population, 1995. The first time he
used the term 'Internet addiction' and Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) in symptoms, as some experts
believe, according to the same drug, alcohol, gambling and the like. Our experts define as Internet
addiction as a clinical disorder with a strong negative consequences on social, work, family, financial and
economic functioning of personality.Internet addiction disorder (IAD), or, more broadly, Internet overuse,
problematic computer use or pathological computer use, is excessive computer use that interferes with
daily life. These terms avoid the distracting and divisive term addiction and are not limited to any single
cause.Nowdays there are lots of social networks in the world.Most popular are Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read messages
known as tweets. Facebook is also social network.It is the most popular social service and it was founded
by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students. Man had to
identify excessive use of the Internet and admit to yourself that there is a problem. It is very important to
be aware of the main symptoms of which is the time spent at the computer, and time spent on the Internet
or Internet-related activities for the key. The Internet is the right thing, if used wisely.
Keywords: Addiction,Internet,computer,social networks,overuse
Razvojem interneta kao medija dostupnog širokoj populaciji, 1995. godine prvi put je upotrebljen izraz
"Internet zavisnost" odnosno poremecaj zavisnosti od Interneta (IAD) po simptomima, kako neki
struĉnjaci smatraju, identiĉan zavisnosti od narkotika, alkohola, kocke i sliĉno.
Naši struĉnjaci definisali su zavisnost od interneta kao kliniĉki poremećaj sa snaţnim negativnim
posledicama na socijalno, radno, porodiĉno, finansijsko i ekonomsko funkcionisanje liĉnosti.Poremecaj
zavisnosti od Interneta(IAD),ili,sire,internet preterivanje,problematicno koriscenje racunara ili patolosko
koriscenje racunara,moze da poremeti svakodnevni zivot.Ovi termini izbegavaju odvlacenje paznje i
podele zavisnosti i nisu ograniceni na jednu stvar.U danasnje vreme ima puno socijalnih mreza u
svetu.Najpopularnije su Tviter i Fejsbuk.Tviter je socijalna mreza i mikrobloging servis koji omogucava
svojim korisnicima da salju i citaju poruke poznate kao tvitove.Fejsbuk je takodje socijalna mreza.To je
najpopularniji socijalni servis i izmislio ga je Mark Zuckerberg sa njegovim cimerima i sa
prijateljima,studentima kompjuterske nauke. Ĉovek mora sam da prepozna prekomerno korišćenje
Interneta i prizna samom sebi da postoji problem. Vrlo je vaţno biti svestan osnovnih simptoma od kojih
je vreme provedeno za raĉunarom, ali i vreme provedeno na Internetu ili aktivnostima vezanim za Internet
kljuĉno.Internet je prava stvar ako se pametno koristi.
Kljucne reci: Zavisnost,Internet,racunar,socijalne mreze,preterana upotreba