Page 106 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 106


               Autor: Dragoš Jovanovid VII razred, O.Š. “Vojvoda Radomir Putnik”, Beograd

               Mentor: Mirjana Tomovid

                                                       1. APSTRAKT

               Stonhendž je Britanski spomenik i jedno od Svetskih čuda u Evropi. Ceo svet gleda na Stonhendž, kao na
               jedan od najzanimljivijih i najtajanstvenijih građevina iz perioda praistorije, a iz vremena države Atlantis
               koja je postojala na tlu današnje Britanije.

               U svakom slučaju, postoji mnogo knjiga napisanih o tome, u bibliotekama, kao i na internetu. Reči mogu
               da opišu samo deo onoga što mi razumemo. Ostali delovi se mogu pronadi kroz rizike, zbog upotrebe
               novih  ideja.  Jesam  li  ja  u pravu?  Je  li moje mišljenje  tačno?  Da  li  de moja teorija  stati  u  red  sa  svim
               ostalim idejama i mišljenjima?

                Želim  da  budem  u  pravu -  ja  se  nadam  da moj  zaključak  dokaže  da  je  to  interesantno,  pa  i  logično.
               Uostalom, ja bih bio zadovoljan kad bih znao razlog za njegovo stajanje tamo. Do tog momenta, druge
               ideje mogu da potvrde naučni rad, i potrude se da nađu trag za ovo Svetsko Čudo.

                                                      1.1. KLJUČNE REČI:

               Izgradnja, svrha, poreklo, prihvatanje, tajanstvenost;

                                                      1.  ABSTRACT

               Stonehenge is a British monument and one of the World’s Wonders in Europe. The whole World sees
               Stonehenge as one of the most interesting and most mysterious structures from the prehistoric period,
               from the time when the ancient country Atlantis existed on the British Isles.

               In  any  case,  there  are  a  lot  of  books  written  about  it,  which  you  can  access  on  the  internet,  and  in
               libraries. Words can describe a part that we can understand. The other parts can be found through risks
               by using new ideas. Am I right? Is my opinion correct? Will my theory stand in a line with all other ideas
               and opinions?

               I want to be right - I hope that my conclusion proves to be interesting, as well as logical.

                Even though, I would be glad to know the reason of why Stonehenge is standing there?

                Until that moment, the other ideas can confirm the scientific research, and try to find another clue for
               this World’s Wonder.

                                                      1.1. KEY WORDS:

               Building, purpose, origin, acception, mysterious;
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