Page 107 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 107
Autor: Radomir Milojevid, Mentor: Mirjana Tomovid
After the Crusaders freed Jerusalem in 1099 most of the wariors who fought on the saviours side
returned to their homes. But a small number of knights that couldn’t go back to their old lives returned
to Jerusalem in 1118, and decided to stay and protect the Holy Land and the pilgrims who were coming
to Jerusalem. Nine knights formed a holy alliance (or a brotherhood) in arms and vowed to aid one
another in clearing the highways through Palestine of dangers, and in protecting the pilgrims through the
passes and mountains on the route to the Holy City of Jerusalem.
The story you are about to read follows the progress of that broterhood through centuries: their
begining, their growth, and their tragic „end“.
Key words: begining, growth, downfall, Templars today, legends
Pošto su Krstaši oslobodili Jerusalim 1099. godine, vedina ratnika, koji su se borili na spasilačkoj strani,
vratili su se svojim kudama. Ipak mali broj vitezova, koji nisu mogli da se vrate svojim starim zivotima,
vratili su se u Juerusalim 1118. i odlučili su da ostanu i štite Svetu Zemlju i hodočasnike koji su dolazili u
Jerusalim. Devet vitezova, napravili su sveti savez (ili bratsvo) po oružiju i zakleli se da de pomagati jedan
drugom u oslobađanju, puteva kroz Palestinu, od opasnosti i štidenju hodočasnika kroy prolaze i planine
na putu u Svetu i štidenju hodočasnika kroy prolaze i planine na putu u Svetu grad Jerusalim.
Priča koju dete pročitati prati napredke tog bratstva kroz vekove: njihov početak, njihov uspon i tragičan
Ključne reči: početak, uspon, pad, Templari danas, legende