Page 104 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 104
Autor: Boris Mitric Os: “France presern” Odeljenje VIII 1
Mentor: Mirjana Tomovic
1. Topic – The universe – past, present and future
2. Research questions – how was the universe created, how is it being explored, who are its explorers,
what threatens the universe
3. Significance of your research – synthetize data about the universe in one research in order to present
them as simple as possible
4. Research site – Belgrade, libraries, observatories, participants – Boris Mitric, Vojislava Ignjatovic,
Mirjana Tomovic
5. Research methods – during the collecting data I will use the method of observation, verbal research
and multimedia search
6. Data collection methods – I will collect data from books and the internet
7. Data analysis – I will analyze the data through thematic units of certain areas of research after witch
I will connect them into related entities and complete those entities with photos
8. Outcomes – the goal of the research is to inspire the thoughts about preservation of the universe as
the unlimited source of abilities for the future of mankind, as well as fear of the destruction of space
as the possibility of mankind perishing
9. Timeline for completion – I expect to finish the research until the end of march 2010
1. Naslov teme – Svemir
2. Kako je nastao svemir, kako se istrazuje, ko su njegovi istrazivaci, sta preti svemir
3. Sintezovanje podataka o svemiru u jednom radu kako bi se oni sto jednostavnije predstavili ljudima
4. Mesto istrazivanja - Beograd, biblioteke, knjizare, opservatorija.
5. Ucesnici istrazivanja - Boris Mitric, predmetni nastavnik Vojislava Ignjatovic,
mentor Mirjana Tomovic
6. Prilikom prikupljanja podataka koristio sam metodu tekstualnog istrazivanja i
multimedijskog pretrazivanja
7. Podatke sam sakupljao iz knjiga i sa interneta.
8. Podatke sam proucavao analizom kroz tematske celine pojedinih oblasti istrazivanja,nakon
cega sam ih spajao u srodne celine i dopunio fotografijama.
9. Svrha rada je da se u coveku probudi svest o ocuvanju svemira kao neiscrpnog
izvoramogucnosti za buducnost covecanstva, kao i strah od unistenja svemira kao
mogucnosti za propast covecanstva.