Page 108 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 108
Autor: Kristina Soldatovid Razred: VIII Škola: Osnovna škola „Đorđe Krstid“ Mentor: Mirjana Tomovid
There are many people who make themselves and their countries famous by doing something they are
good at. It can be a ruler, scientist, explorer, celebrity (actor, musician, writer etc.), sportsman, politician,
but it can also be a bad person.
Britain has produced many world famous people. It’s difficult to say who the most famous Briton is,
especially when there are many famous Britons that most people have heard about, but they didn’t
know that person was Briton. But, I think it’s relative. I chose this topic to find out what teenagers and
adults in my city think. I am going to give them a questionnaire to see what they are going to say.
At the beginning, I am going to write about BBC’s survey from 2002. Then I am going to analyze
questionnaires of adults and of teenagers specifically, because I want to find out what teenagers think,
and what adults think. Later, I’ll write some interests about 5 most famous Britons by the choice of
recipients of my survey. In conclusion I’ll write my list of 5 most famous Britons.
Key words: famous Britons, 10 most famous Britons, BBC-100 Greatest Britons
Ima mnogo ljudi koji su proslavili sebe i svoju zemlju radedi ono u čemu su dobri. To mogu biti vladari,
naučnici, istraživači, poznate ličnosti (glumci, muzičari, pisci itd.), sportisti, političari, ali to takođe može
biti loša osoba.
Britanija je `prizvela` mnoge svetski poznate ličnosti. Teško je redi ko je najpoznatiji Britanac, pogotovo
kada postoje mnogi poznati Britanci za koje je vedina ljudi čula, ali nisu znali da je ta osoba iz Velike
Britanije. Ipak, ja smatram da je to relativno. Izabrala sam ovu temu kako bih saznala šta o tome misle
adolescenti i odrasli u mom gradu. Sprovešdu anketu da bih videla šta de redi.
Za početak du napisati nešto o BBC-jevom istraživanju iz 2002. Potom du analizirati ankete adolescenata
i odraslih posebno, zato što želim da saznam šta misle mladi, a šta odrasli. Kasnije du izneti neke
zanimljivosti o 5 najpoznatijih Britanaca po izboru učesnika mog istraživanja. U zaključku du zapisati svoju
listu 5 najpoznatijih Britanaca.
Ključne reči: poznati Britanci, 10 najpoznatijih Britanaca, BBC-100 najpoznatijih Britanaca