Page 130 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 130



               Ime i prezime: JANA ŽIVANOVID, Mentor: MIRJANA TOMOVID


               When we were kids, we loved listening to fairy tales read by our parents. They all started in this way:
               “Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, the king and queen were blessed with a beautiful baby
               girl”. There was always  a “prince charming’ somewhere, disregarding if he was in a form of “an ugly
               prince” or a tall fair-haired guy with eyes as blue as the ocean. That prince was the one each girl dreamt
               of marrying, and boys dreamt about lovely princesses. But, we were kids then. As the time went by we
               began to realize that princes and princesses do not really exist.

               Today, we read stories where the characters are similar to those we look for in real life. A book is also a
               place where we try to find a kind of an ideal person. And we keep asking the question: “Does that perfect
               person really exist?” Do we live in such an urban life so that we have no time for romance? Are the girls
               who are still waiting for Mr. Perfect actually waiting for nothing?

               I have read many books and did some surveys, but I think that Jane Austen gave the most complete
               answer to this frequently asked question in her novel “Pride and Prejudice”.  If you have ever wondered
               the same, I hope I have intrigued you quite enough to read the following pages.

               Key words: Models of perfectness, Love, Pride, Prejudice


               Kada smo bili deca, voleli smo da nam roditelji čitaju bajke. Sve su počinjale ovako: “Nekada davno, u
               jednom  kraljevstvu  daleko,  daleko  odavde,  kralj  i  kraljica  su  dobili  jednu  predivnu  devojčicu...”  Tu  je
               negde uvek bio “princ na belom konju”, bez obzira da li je bio u obliku “ružne žabe”  ili visokog plavog
               momka, očiju plavih poput okeana. Taj princ je bio onaj za koga je svaka devojčica maštala da de se udati,
               dok su dečaci sanjali o prelepoj princezi.

               Ponavljam, bili smo deca. Bez laganje i bez sumnje da, vremenom, dok odrastamo, shvatamo da prinčevi
               i princeze ne postoje.

               Danas čitamo priče u kojima tražimo i nalazimo neku vrstu idealne osobe. I još uvek se pitamo da li ta
               savršena osoba postoji. Da li živimo toliko brzim životom da nemamo vremena ni za romantiku? Da li
               devojke, koje još uvek čekaju gospodina Savršenog, u stvari gube vreme?

               Čitala  sam  dosta  knjiga    i  vršila  neka  istraživanja,  ali  mislim  da  je  Džejn  Ostin  u  romanu  “Gordost  i
               predrasuda” dala najpotpuniji odgovor na ovo često postavljano pitanje. Ako ste se ovo ikada zapitali,
               nadam se da sam vas dovoljno zainteresovala da pročitate naredne strane.

               Ključne reči: Modeli savršenstva, ljubav, gordost, predrasuda
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