Page 125 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 125
Autor: JELENA JEGDID Druga godina Četvrte gimnazije u Beogradu
A year and a half ago, I heard about a band called "Bullet For My Valentine". At the time, I knew
they were Welsh, but never thought of it as something special. However, as my knowledge of the
English language was progressing, I noticed that the language in which they are singing is
different from the one spoken in England. Let alone their hardly understandable accent and
different way of pronouncing many words compared to the standard English, it soon became clear
to me that they also have unique grammar. That was when I decided to find out more about it, to
see what caused their language to become so special – was it their culture, past or origin. I became
very interested in understanding Welsh grammatical constructions completely, so that I could
easily fit in if I ever happen to visit Cardiff or any other of city, there. “It is a dying language that
we speak”, said "Bullet For My Valentine‟s "bass player, “and it is not taught at schools
anymore.” Hearing that disappointed me a little, since I have been fascinated with it for a year
already, but it only made me more eager to understand it and spread its uniqueness amongst the
others. I will try to gather as much information about Wenglish (as Welsh people call their “dying
language” ) as I can, to make my work represent something both interesting and educational to
everyone who is ready to give it a chance.
Key words: Welsh, unique, language, grammar, culture
Pre godinu i po dana, ĉula sam za bend “Bullet For My Valentine”. Tada sam znala da su Velšani, ali
nisam tome pridavala veliki znaĉaj. Ipak, kako je moje znanje engleskog napredovalo, primetila sam da je
jezik na kom pevaju razliĉit on onog koji se govori u Engleskoj. Ne samo da imaju teško razumljiv
akcenat, drugaĉiji naĉin izgovora mnogih reĉi u poreĊenju sa Englezima, već mi je uskoro postalo jasno
da takoĊe imaju i jedinstvenu gramatiku. Tada sam odluĉila da otkrijem više o njoj, da saznam šta je
uĉinilo njihov jezik tako specijalnim – da li je to bila njihova kultura, prošlost ili poreklo. Jako me je
zainteresovalo da razumem velške gramatiĉke konstrukcije u potpunosti, da bih lako mogla da se uklopim
ako ikada posetim Cardiff ili bilo koji od njihovih gradova. “Govorimo jezikom koji izumire”, rekao je
basista Bullet for my valentine-a, “I više se ne uĉi u školama.” Malo sam se razoĉarala ĉuvši to, budući da
sam fascinirana njime već godinu dana, ali me je to saznanje samo naĉinilo spremnijom da ga razmem I
širim njegovu jedinstvenost meĊu ostalima. Planiram da pokušam da sakupim što više informacija o
Wenglish-u (kako Velšani zovu svoj “izumirući jezik”) mogu, kako bi moj rad predstavljao nešto jednako
interesantno i pouĉno svima koji su spremni da mu daju šansu.
Ključne reči: velški, jedinstven, jezik, gramatika, kultura