Page 123 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 123
By Iva Jovanović,učenica II razreda IV gimnazije u Beogradu
Summary:The magical world of rock and roll has always been on the music scene.Rock and Roll is
everywhere and in everything. Is there any other form of art that has had such an impact on the world as
it is? The power of Rock and Roll has moved mountains, moved people, influenced politics and brought
people and generations together.Has it not been a more powerful means to communicate a message
throughout the world than any loudspeaker or media? Has it not been a way to express your deepest
thoughts,wishes,desires or scars? Through this essay I plan on reserching why this music genre is above
all other,in my opinion. I plan on showing you one of the most influental british rock bands ever.The fact
that it originated in the southern part of the USA in the late 40s and early 50s only proves its feeling-
based authenticity.And if something is genuine, it is powerful, because it reaches people.The messages
sent to us by some special people,graced with talent to communicate to us what we know in our hearts,
are so powerful that they are still very much alive and will always be remembered.
Key words: rock and roll,communication,power,influence,british rock.
Magični svet rok muzike je uvek bio na muzičkoj scebi.Rok je svugde i u svemu. Da li postoji neki oblik
umetnosti koji je ima takav uticaj na svet? Mod rok muzike je pomerala planine,uticala na politiku i
priblžavala ljude i generacije. Zar nije bilo modno sredstvo za komunikaciju poruku celom svetu nego bilo
koja zvučnika ili medijima? Zar nije bio način da izrazite svoje najdublje misli, želje, želje i
ožiljaka?Činjenica da je nastao u južnom delu SAD-a krajem 40ih i početkom 50ih godina samo dokazuje
svoju emocionalno zasnovanu autentičnost,jer je u to vreme kao danas,proizvod ljudske tuge i srede. A
ako je nešto original,to je modno jer stiže do ljudi. Nama poslate poruke od dragih ljudi ,ukrašene
talentom,komuniciraju sa nama i ono što znamo u našim srcima,su toliko modni da su i dalje veoma živi i
da de se pamtit zauvek.
Ključne reči: rokenrol,komunikacija,mod,uticaj,britanski rok.