Page 124 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 124
author: Anđela Stošid school: I grade SMS "Kosta Manojlovid"
mentor: Mirjana Tomovid
Smatram da prošlost umnogome odredjuje sadašnjost, a samim tim i bududnost. Svaka
ličnost koja je svojim radom doprinela razvoju kulture neke zemlje zaslužuje da se o njoj
priča i piše. Na taj način postaje besmrtna i odaje joj se počast za sve njene zasluge. Zbog
divljenja takvim osobama i njihovim delima njihovi naslednici svoja dela pokušavaju da
približe savršenstvu na koje su se ugledali. Tako ta predivna dela počinju da određuju dalji
tok sveta umetnosti. Određuju pravce u muzici, slikarstvu ili, u ovom slučaju, književnosti.
Vilijam Šekspir je bio jedan od najtalentovanijih pisaca, ne samo za vreme elizabetanske
Engleske ved i vekovima kasnije, pa i dan danas, njegovo ime se izgovara sa određenom
dozom poštovanja i divljenja. Njegova dela pune sale pozorišta do poslednjeg mesta, a
rafovi u bibliotekama obiluju njegovim dramama, sonetima i poemama. Svako ko je
pročitao ili odgledao neko od Šekspirovih najpoznatijih dela, morao je da napiše nešto o
njemu, bilo javno, bilo privatno.Osedaj biti u dodiru sa nečim što je tako genijalno prosto
je božanski. U ljudima izaziva želju da pišu o onome što doživljavaju u susretu s delom
njavedeg dramskog pisca kako bi se ta toplota njegovog stvaranja širila što više i stvarala
nam misao da su ti predivni stihovi ucinili ovaj svet bogatijim i da smo se psihički uzdigli
na viši nivo. Saznanje da nije sve kao što izgleda i da postoji dublji smisao života je
ohrabrujude i tome treba da zahvalimo Šekspiru, kao i svim ostalim ljudima čija imena
svaki čovek zna i čija de dela uvek da nas čine srednijima.
Ključne reči: kjiževnost, genijalnost, besmrtnost, uzor, misterija, profesionalac
I think that the past defines present and future. Every person whose
work has contributed to the development of culture of some country deserves to be
spoken and written about. And because of that, becomes immortal and gets credit for all
that she done. Because of the admiration for that persones their heirs are trying to
approach their's work to the perfection that they admire.The world of art, so as the
directions of the art, music, or in this case literature is defined by those beautiful pieces.
William Shakespeare is one of the most talented writers, not just in Elizabethan's England
but even today people say his name with a dose of respect and admiration. His works are
filling theatre's halls to the last seat all over the world and bookcases in libraries are full
of his plays, sonnets and poems. Anyone who has read or watched some of
Shakespeare's most famous works had to write something about him, whether publicly or
privatly. Feeling to be in touch with something that is so brilliant is simply divine.
Shakespeare in humans causes a desire to write about what they experienced in contact
with his works so the wormness of his creation could spread more and make us thinking
those beautiful verses made this world better and that we have mentally elevated to a
higher level. Knowledge that everything isn't what it seems to be, and that there is a
deeper meaning of life is encouraging and for that we have to thank Shakespeare and so
the other great people whose names knows every man and whose works will always
make us happier.
Key words: literature, ingenuity, immortality, model, mystery, professional