Page 127 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 127


                                      RULERS, WARRIORS, CONTEMPORARIES

               AUTHOR: BOŠKO OGNJEVID, I1 –„Milutin Milankovid“High School, Belgrade

               MENTORS: MIRJANA TOMOVID, JELENA LEPOJEVID, English language teachers

               ABSTRACT: There is an interesting claim among Serbian people that in the second half of the 12  century
               Serbia and England had almost identical state and political status. During this period both countries were
               ruled by two men with very similar temperament, ambition and courage. Stefan Nemanja and Henry II of
               England, each in their own way, entered both the history of the countries they ruled as well as history of
               Medieval  Europe. The  aim  of  this  study  is  to  shed  light  on  the  personality  of  these  two  rulers  from
               different  angles. I  wanted  to  show  them  as  statesmen,  but  also  as  family  men,  husbands,  fathers,
               churches and fortresses founders and warriors. I have tried to objectively analyze how much their role
               was  reflected  in  the  fate  of  their  respective  countries.  Finally,  I  have  tried  to  get  the  answer  to  the
               question of equality of Serbia and England during the 12  century right through the personalities and
               deeds of these two charismatic contemporaries.

               APSTRAKT: U srpskom narodu postoji zanimljiva tvrdnja da su u drugoj polovini 12. veka Srbija i Engleska
               imale gotovo identičan državni i politički status. Tokom ovog perioda su obema zemljama vladali ljudi
               sličnog temperamenta, ambicije i hrabrosti. Stefan Nemanja i Henri II od Engleske su, svaki na svoj način,
               ušli kako u istoriju zemalja kojima su vladali tako i u istoriju srednjovekovne Evrope. Cilj ove studije je da
               iz različitih uglova osvetli ličnosti ove dvojice vladara. Želeo sam da ih prikažem kao državnike, ali i kao
               porodične  ljude,  muževe,  očeve  graditelje  crkava  i  tvrđava  i  ratnike.  Pokušao  sam  da  objektivno
               analiziram koliko mnogo se njihova uloga ogledala u sudbini njihovih zemalja. Naposletku sam pokušao
               da dobijem odgovor na pitanje o jednakosti Srbije i Engleske u 12. veku kroz ličnosti i dela ove dvojice
               harizmatičnih savremenika.

               KEY WORDS: Stefan Nemanja, Henry II, Serbia, England, 12 century, rulership

               KLJUČNE REČI: Stefan Nemanja, Henri II, Srbija, Engleska, 12. vek, vladavina
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