Page 122 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 122

                                                   - ROBERT FROST -

                                    UTICAJ PIŠČEVOG ŽIVOTA NA NJEGOV RAD
                                                   - ROBERT FROST -

                                  AUTHOR: NATASA TAPIC HIGH SCOOL: Philological High School
                                    CLASS: I/1  CENTRE: Regionalni centar za talente Beograd II
                            MENTHOR: MIRJANA MARIC, professor, Elementary school “Ivan Milutinovic”

                      Considering literature as a way of art, we can say that it has psychological impact on us
               and opposite. So I decided to take a look on life and work of Robert Frost and see how much his
               life influenced his work. I researched his life and I found out many interesting facts about it. I
               thought it was necessary for analyzing his poems I was right. He lost many children in his life,
               his wife died; he was moving from The United States to Great Britain, he was teaching, working
               on a farm… all that events, important for his life, made Robert Frost the way he is. Poems from
               different epochs of his life gave me what I wanted to know. Robert Frost‟s life was unique, and
               his works are too. Emotions are part of every kind of art, so literature isn‟t different. Different
               emotions, different people, different art… Now I know that Robert Frost‟s biography certainly
               DID  influence  his  life,  but  it  doesn‟t  mean  that  it‟s  always  like  that  –  writers  are  often  very
               imaginative.  So  everything  is  possible,  when  we‟re  analyzing  poetry,  we  should  find  some
               information about writer‟s life, but in common cases just sit back and enjoy all those literature

               Key words: Robert Frost, poems, life, affection, loss


                      Posmatrajuci knjizevnost kao deo umetnosti, moze se reci da ima psiholoski uticaj na nas
               I obrnuto. Zato sam resila da procesljam zivot I rad Roberta Frosta I da vidim koliko je njegov
               zivot uticao na njegov rad. Istrazivala sam njegov zivot I nasla mnogo  zanimljivih cinjenica o
               njemu.  Mislila  sam  da  je  to  neophodno  za  analiziranje  njegovih  pesama  I  bila  sam  u  pravu.
               Izgubio je mnogo dece u svom zivotu, njegova zena je umrla, selio se iz Ujedinjenih Drzava u
               Veliku Britaniju, predavao je, radio na farmi… svi ti dogadjaji vazni za njegov zivot napravili su
               Roberta Frosta takvim kakav jeste. Pesme iz razlicitih epoha njegovog zivota rekle su mi ono sto
               sam  zelela  da  znam.  Zivot  Roberta  Frosta  bio  je  jedinstven,  I  njegova  dela  to  takodje  jesu.
               Emocije su deo svake vrste umetnosti, pa se ni literature ne razlikuje. Razlicite emocije, razliciti
               ljudi, razlicita umetnost… sada znam da je Robertova biografija svakako uticala na njegov rad ali
               ne  mora  uvek  da  bude  tako  –  mnogi  pisci  su  vrlo  mastoviti.  Tako  da,  sve  je  moguce,  kada
               analiziramo  poeziju  trebalo  bi  da  nadjemo  vise  informacija  o  piscevom  zivotu,  ali  u  ostalim
               slucajevima treba samo da se opustimo i uzivamo u svim tim remek-delima. Kljucne reci: Robert
               Frost, pesme, zivot, uticaj, gubitak
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