Page 120 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 120


                                                  IRSKA MITOLOGIJA

               Đurđija Pendid,  III7, Peta beogradska gimnazija

               Regionalni centar za talente – Beograd II Mentor: Prof. Mirjana Tomovid


               Although it was exposed to the influences of many peoples, Irish mythology managed to maintain its
               uniqueness  and  authenticity.  Christianity  and  Greek-Roman  religion  didn’t  substantially  change  the
               crucial elements in Irish mythology, like they managed to do with other peoples. The main sources are
               records of Christian monks from 11  and 12  century, since Celts have passed their traditions orally.
               Despite that, the beautiful ancient saga about heroes, loves and magic have been preserved until today.
               The  presence  of  magic,  magical  objects,  unique  powers,  creatures,  incredible  fates,  makes  this
               mythology an endless inspiration to writers and artists even today. There’s a strong bond with nature,
               with  rivers,  lakes,  forests,  hills…  Tuath De  Danann  is  a  group of  Irish  gods. Many of them  have  their
               equivalents in British, Welsh or Scottish mythology. The goal of this essay is to explore notabilities of Irish
               deities and myths exclusively, and to see Irish gods in their full power or dread.

               Keywords: Celts, Tuath De Danann, Ireland, battles, heroes, magic.


               Iako je bila izložena uticajima mnogih naroda, irska mitologija je uspela da sačuva svoju jedinstvenost i
               autentičnost. Hrišdanstvo i grčko-rimska religija nisu bitno promenile ključne elemente u irskoj mitologiji,
               kao što su to uspele da učine kod nekih drugih naroda. Glavne izvore nalazimo u zapisima hrišdanskih
               monaha iz 11. i 12. veka, jer su Kelti svoje mitove I predanja prenosili uglavnom usmenim putem. Uprkos
               tome,  predivna  drevna  saga  o  herojima,  ljubavima  i  magiji  se  očuvala  do  danas.  Prisutnost  magije,
               magijskih objekata, jedinstvenih modi, stvorenja, neverovatnih sudbina, cini ovu mitologiju nepresušnom
               ispiracijom  piscima  I  umetnicima  čak  i  danas.  Prisutna  je  jaka  veza  s  prirodom,  sa  rekama,  jezerima,
               šumama,  brdima…  Tuath  De  Danann  predstavlja  grupu  irskih  bogova.  Mnogi  od  njih  imaju  svoje
               ekvivalente  u  britanskoj,  velškoj  ili  škotskoj  mitologiji.  Cilj  ovog  eseja  je  da  se  istraže  znamenitosti
               isključivo irskih božanstava i mitova i da se vide irski bogovi u svoj svojoj modi ili užasu.

               Ključne reči: Kelti, Tuath De Danann, Irska, bitke, heroji, magija.
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