Page 115 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 115
Milutin Mihaljčid, učenik tredeg razreda privatne gimnazije “Milutin Milankovid” u Beogradu
Regionalni centar za talente-Beograd II Mentor: Mirjana Marid, profesor engleskog jezika, magistar
engleskog, univerzitet u Beogradu
Summary: The American Civil War is well-heard of in the North and the South America and
most of Europe. Although not the first, it was certainly the biggest and most quoted war for
liberation. At the time, America‟s wish for profit was acceptable to certain people no matter what
and the leader who took the battle for slave abolishment head on was Abraham Lincoln. The war
brought a huge number of casualties, but it also brought a huge technology leap into the XX
century, bringing the very things that make our modern world the way it is today. It set certain
standards of moral, ethics and humanity and defined slavery today. New battle tactics and
equipment foreshadowed future, even bloodier wars and with more atrocities than ever before in
human history. The war might not be as “popular” as some modern wars, but it definitely
deserves to be mentioned and remembered as specific mark in the history of the modern world.
Key words: slavery, plantations, president, war, battles, casualties
Abstrakt: O Ameriĉkom Gradjanskom Ratu znaju svi u Severnoj i Južnoj Americi i većini
Evrope. Iako nije prvi, on je svakako bio najveći i najcitiraniji rat za oslobodjenje. U to vreme,
Ameriĉka želja za profitom je bila prihvatljiva odredjenim ljudima bez obzira na sve i lider koji
je istupio i krenuo u borbu za oslobodjenje robova je bio Abraham Lincoln. Rat je doveo do
velikog broja žrtava, ali je takodje doveo do velikog tehnološkog skoka u XX-om veku, dovodeći
do samih stvari koje saĉinjavaju nas moderni život danas. Postavio je odredjene standarde
morala, etike i ĉoveĉnosti i definisao ropstvo danas. Nove borbene taktike i oprema nagovestile
su buduće, jos krvavije ratove i sa vise zverstava nego ikada pre u ljudskoj istoriji. Rat možda
nije “popularan” kao neki moderni ratovi, ali je definitivno zaslužio da bude pomenut i
zapamćen kao specifiĉna oznaka u istoriji modernog sveta.
Kljucne reči: ropstvo, plantaže, predsednik, rat, bitke, žrtve