Page 135 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 135




                Kroz istoriju, valcer je pretrpeo mnoge promene. Pre nego sto je bio predstavljen javnosti kao

                balski  ples,bio  je  seoski  ples  koji  se  igrao  u  toku    sedamnaestog  veka  u  selima  Austrije  i
                Bavarije. Do sredine osamnaestog veka postaje popularniji i sirio se Evropom. Valcer se prvo

                pojavio  u  Engleskim  dvoranama  rane  1800  godine,  gde  je  sokirao  visoko  drustvo  svojom

                “vulgarnom”  upotrebom  bliskog  plesanja,  gde  muskarac  drzi  telo  dame  veoma  blizu  svog.
                Valcer je nezan i graciozan ples, karakterisan prvenstveno usponom i padom. Muziku za valcer

                pisali su mnogi poznati kompozitori, i te kompozicije su i dan danas poznate. Velike licnosti iz
                svetske  istorije  tvrdile  su  da  je  valcer  nesto  jedinstveno  i  ne  zamenjivo  i  ne  moze  biti

                zaboravljeno, i bili su u pravu.


                Throughout history, the waltz has undergone many changes. Before it was introduced to society
                as a ballroom dance, it was a country dance, which was danced during the seventeenth century in

                the suburbs of Austria and Bavaria. By the middle of the eighteenth century the dance had grown

                in popularity and spread throught Europe. The waltz first appeared in English ballrooms in the
                early 1800, where it shocked popular society with its „vulgar“ use of the closed dance position,

                wherein the man holds the lady‟s body very close to his own. Waltz is a smooth and graceful
                dance, characterized primarly by its rise and fall action.Music for waltz has been composed by

                all great composers, and its still famous now. Important pearsons from worlds history claimed
                that waltz is something uniqe and iraplaceable and cant be forgotten, and they were right.

               Key words: English waltz, ballroom dance, movement, music, competition
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