Page 137 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 137
autor: SVETLANA TANASIJEVID razred: I-1 škola: Srednja škola Grocka
Ovo nije klasičan tekst o tinejdžerskom životu koji se može nadi u svim časopisima, koji se bave nama samo zbog
tiraža. Daju nam „korisne“ savete tipa: Kako da se sve vrti oko tebe; Trikovi za postizanje savrsenog izgleda; Najcool
izjave... Pokušavaju da nas namame dobrim naslovima i rečenicama koje lepo zvuče. A od koristi ništa.
Ovde pišem o onome što ja proživljavam u tinejdžerskim godinama, o onome što vidim da se dešava oko mene i
sa mnom i mojim vršnjacima. Reč je o onome što se desi svakome od nas, ono kroz šta svi prođemo i šta svi
okusimo, ali i o tome koliko smo različiti. Koliko pojedinosti i sitnih razlika čini da se neko izdvaja. Pa, ne možetre
redi da su svi tinejdžeri isti samo zato što spadamo u tu grupu od 13 do 19 godina. Ne mora da znači da je neki
mladid koga ste sreli na ulici neki huligan, jer ste na ulici toliko puta slušali o maloletničkoj delikvenciji. Trebalo bi da
nas poštujete kao mladu grupu ljudi koja još uvek pronalazi put da sebe.
Možda se neko nede pronadi u ovome što ja pišem, ali kao što sam ved rekla, svi smo mi različiti, a ovo je moje
viđenje svega i ovo je ono što ja izdvajam kao najvažnije i što sam je videla i osetila, kao i nešto što su mi drugi
tinejdžeri rekli.
Ključne reči: tinejdžer, razlike, mlada grupa ljudi.
This is not an ordinary text about teenagers life, which you may find in any newspaper and is written only for a
better printing and selling. We have read some „useful“ advice, such as: „How to make the world turn around you“;
Tricks for reaching the perfect look“; „The cool statements“... They try to make us read the good titles or sentences
that sound good.
Here, I am writting about my teenage life, what I am going through in my teen-age, about the things that are
happening around me. I am writing about the things that are happening to me and my friends of the same age. It is
about things that happen to any of us, about what we are going throught and what we can „taste“. It is about our
diferences too, how some tiny diferences make us special. One cannot say that we are all the same, just because
we are the same age, 13-19 years old. It does not have to be truth that some young man you have met in the street
is a bad person, a criminal, because you have listenad on TV about the child delinquency so many times. You should
respect us as a group of young people which is searching for the right way in life.
Maybe somebody does not find himself in my statements, but, as I have said, we are all different, and this is my
way of looking at the life and these are the things I set aside as the most important. This is my way of describing
things I have seen, and felt and what some other young people of my age have said to me.
Key words: teenager, differences, group of young people.