Page 138 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 138
Autor: Tijanić Miloš
II Razred, Gimnazija Mladenovac.
Centar za Talente 2, Beograd.
Mentor: Prof. Dr Dijana Andrić
South Park has always been known as a controversial show, that devides the public in half.
I tried to find out why is that, and do opinions vary in different parts of the world.
Results show that both popularity and viewrate are highest in Australia – Most likely due to the
fact that they have no linguistical barrier and have enough necessery information to understand
the jokes in the show, as well as the fact that people there are rarely openly flamed, and there are
not many reasons for them to feel offended. USA, even though the cradle of the show, keeps
getting smaller ratings due to constant satirization of more and more people, up to the point that
it‟s being considered immoral to watch the show. Serbian research shows that here, however, the
biggest barrier is lack of English skills, lack of knowledge on current world events and poor
presentation of the show.
Key words: South Park, Controversy, Popularity, Rating, Poll
South Park je oduvek bio poznat kao polemiĉna serija, koja deli publiku na pola.
Pokušao sam da otkrijem zašto, i da li se mišljenja razlikuju u razliĉitim delovima sveta.
Rezultati pokazuju da je i popularnost i gledanost najveća u Australiji – Najverovatnije zato što
oni nemaju lingvistiĉku barijeru i imaju dovoljno neophodnih informacija za razumevanje šala u
seriji, kao i ĉinjenica da su ljudi tamo retko otvoreno prozivani, i ne postoji puno razloga da se
osećaju uvredjeno. SAD, iako su kolevka serije, dobijaju sve manje i manje ocene zbog
konstantne satirizacije sve više i više ljudi, do te mere da se smatra nemoralno gledati seriju.
Istraživanja u Srbiji pokazuju da ovde, medjutim, najveca barijera je nedostatak poznavanja
engleskog jezika, nedostatak informacija o trenutim svetskim dogadjanjima i slabo predstavljanje
Ključne reči: South Park, Spor, Popularnost, Ocenjivanje, Anketa