Page 324 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 324

                                                TUDOR ENGLAND

     gimnazija, Beograd
     MENTOR: DR STANOJE BOJANIN Istorijski Institut, Beograd


     Doba Tjudora smatra se jednim od najvaţnijih perioda u engleskoj istoriji. Dolaskom Tjudora na vlast

     zapoĉet je uspon Engleske. Okonĉavši ,,Rat ruţa” Henri VII je stupio na engleski presto i  zapoĉeo
     reforme  koje  će  Englesku  uvrstiti  meĊu  vodeće  sile  tadašnjeg  vremena.  MeĊutim,  tokom  vladavine
     Henrija VIII  Engleska se udaljava od rimokatoliĉkog uticaja, da bi u potpunosti raskrstila sa Rimom u
     vreme Elizabete. Engleska je polako poĉela i da poprima oblik današnje drţave. Engleska i Vels su u

     doba Henrija VIII ujedinjene u jednu teritoriju, a Elizabeta I je kasnije pripojila Irsku koja je ostala pod
     vlašću  Engleske  do  kraja  Prvog  svetskog  rata.  Kontroverzan  ţivot  Henrija  VIII    je  bio  izrazito

     kritikovan  od  strane  javnosti.  Nista  manje  nije  bila  kritikovana  odluka  kraljice  Meri  da  istrebi
     protestantsku jeres. Dolaskom kraljice Elizabete na vlast konaĉno su zavrseni verski ratovi i uoblicena
     je Anglikanska crkva. Pobedom nad Španijom poĉinje prevlast Engleske na moru kao i kolonizacija
     Severne  Amerike.  Sve  u  svemu,  Engleska  mnogo  duguje  Tjudorima  jer  su  oni  ojaĉali  i  unapredili

     Reformacija, Zlatno doba, Kontrareformacija, Kolonizacija, Centralizovana vlast.


     Tudor period is believed to be one of the most important periods in English history.When Tudors came
     to the throne, the rise of England had begun.Ending the War of the Roses, Henry VII became English

     king and started reforms that will put England beside the leading countries of the age.  What is more,
     during the reign of Henry VIII, England drifted away from the Catholic influence, until it completely
     broke  up  with  Rome  during  Elizabeth‟s  reign.  England  slowly  started  getting  the  form  of  today‟s

     monarchy. Henry VIII united England and Wales into one territory and Elizabeth joined Ireland, which
     was under England‟s reign until the end of World War I. Controversial and lascivious life of Henry
     VIII was immensely criticized by the public. None the less was Mary‟s decision to eradicate Protestant

     heresy, which was extremely brutal even for Catholic conservatives. However, when Elizabeth came to
     the throne the  religious  wars  were  finally  over  and the  Anglican  Church  was  formed.Defeating  the
     Spanish Armada, England became the leading force on the sea and started setting the colonies in North

     America.All in all, England owes much to Tudors because they had strengthened and improved it.
     Reformation, The Golden Age, Contrareformation, Colonisation,
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