Page 429 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 429


                                                  SCHOOL CHILDREN

               AUTOR:  DUNJA KARANOVID, učenica III godine Filološke gimnazije, Regionalni centar za talente, Beograd II

               MENTOR: MAJA TODOROVID, psiholog, stručni saradnik , Regionalnog centra za talente Beograd II


               Cilj ovog istraživačkog rada bio je da se utvrdi da li do osujedenja dečje kreativnosti dolazi ved na
               predškolskom uzrastu, usled preranog navikavanja na odgovaranje na zadate teme i zahteve. U
               istraživanju  je  učestvovalo  44  predškolca  jednog  beogradskog  vrtida,  od  čega  25  dečaka  i  19
               devojčica. Korišdene su projektivna tehnika – papir za crtanje sa ograničenim poljem, i intervju.
               Deci su podeljeni papiri uz uputstvo da crtaju na slobodnu temu ne obazirudi se na ograničenje,
               a potom su im postavljena pitanja vezana za crteže. Pretpostavka je bila da de, u nedostatku
               prethodno postavljenih zahteva, deca pretpostaviti da treba da crtaju unutar ograničenja, kao i
               da de se ispoljiti određene razlike u radu dečaka i devojčica. Dobijeni podaci, koji su podvrgnuti
               kvalitativnoj analizi, svedoče o tome da deca jesu ved na predškolskom uzrastu naviknuta na

               zahteve  i ograničenja,  kao  i  da  postoje razlike  između dečaka  i  devojčica,  pogotovo  kad  je  u
               pitanju odabir tema. Uzrok ovome se može potražiti u vaspitno-obrazovnom sistemu, ali se na
               osnovu ovog istraživanja ne može o tome zaključivati zbog relativno malog i homogenog uzorka.

               Ključne reči: kreativnost, likovno stvaralaštvo, predškolski uzrast, pol, zahtevi


               The aim of this research was to determine whether a frustration of children’s creativity can be
               spotted  as  early  as  during  the  pre-school  age,  due  to  the  children  being  forced  to  grow
               accustomed to working according to certain topics and requirements. Forty-four pre-schoolers
               (25  male  and  19  female)  from  a  Belgrade  day  care  center  participated  in  the  research.  A
               projective technique and an interview were used – the children were given drawing paper with
               a circle marking part of it, told to draw whatever they wanted, without minding the circle, and
               eventually asked a few questions regarding their drawings. It was suspected that, in the absence
               of actual requirements regarding the circle, the children would suppose that they still needed to

               draw within it, and that there would be some differences between the sexes. The data acquired
               went through qualitative analysis; it shows that the children are in fact used to requirements
               and boundaries, as well as that there is a difference between the boys and the girls, especially
               when it comes to the topics they choose. This may be connected with the day care system, but
               this  particular  research  cannot  say  that  for  sure,  due  to  a  small  and  homogenous  group  of

               Key words: creativity, artistic creation, pre-school age, gender, requirements
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