Page 425 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 425


               Autor rada: Markovid Vladislava, tredi razred Filološke gimnazije u Beogradu

               Regionalni centar za talente Beograd 2

               Mentor: mr Nikolid Biljana, profesor psihologije u Filološkoj gimnaziji u Beogradu


                 Istraživanje  se  sprovodi  u  cilju  ispitivanja  adolescenata  o  njihovim  stavovima  prema

               samoubistvima koja se dešavaju među njihovim vršnjacima. Primenjene metode su posmatranje
               i samoposmatranje, dok je korišdena tehnika upitnik otvorenog tipa. Rezultati sadrže slaganja i
               neslaganja  medju  adolescentima  oba  pola  i  različitih  godina  u  pogledu  načina,  uzroka,
               učestalosti i uopšte njihovih stavova i mišljenja o pojavi suicida. S obzirom na to da je ispitivanje
               bilo  otvorenog  tipa,  odgovori  su  prilično  raznoliki,  i  najviše  razlika  se  primeduje  u  pogledu
               polova,  mada u  pogledu  godina,  može  se  videti  da  stariji  učenici  imaju  čvršde  utvrđen  stav  i
               prilično su bolje obavešteni.

               Ključne reči: -adolescenti –samoubistva –stavovi


                 This research is conveyed at aim to interrogate the adolescents about their attitudes towards
               the  suicides  that  are  happening  among  people  of  same  age.  The  methods  applied  in  this
               research were observation and self-observation, while the technique applied was questionnaire.
               The results contain agreements and disagreements among the adolescents of both sexes and
               different age in view of the way, cause and frequency of suicide and generally their attitudes
               and opinions about the occurrence of suicide. With regard to that the interrogation was open,
               the answers are various and the biggest differences are remarked in view of sexes, but in view
               of ages, we can see that older students have attitudes more firmly grounded and that they are

               better informed.

               Key words: -adolescents –suicide -attitudes
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