Page 426 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 426



               Autor: SIMONA BALENOVID,  učenica IV razreda Gimnazije „Isidora Sekulid“, Novi Sad

               Mentor:ANA JOKID, Master psihologije,  pripravnica u O.Š. „Sonja Marinkovid” Novi Sad


                      Ovo  istraživanje  je  imalo  za  cilj  da  utvrdi  da  li  postoji  značajna  veza  između  socio-
               demografskihobeležja  (pol,  uspeh  u  školi,  stepen  obrazovanja  majke/oca,  mesto  stanovanja)  i
               motivacije  za  studiranje.  Istraživanjem  je  obuhvaćen  prigodan  uzorak  od  129  maturanata
               Gimnazije ”Isidora Sekulić” u Novom Sadu.Motivacija za studiranje je merena upitnikom koji je
               sastavljen  za  potrebe  ovog  istraživanja,  merena  je  preko  10  ajtema  na  kojima  su  ispitanici
               izražavali stepen slaganja ili neslaganja sa tvrdnjom u formi petostepene skale Likertovog tipa.
               Došlo  se  do  rezultata  da  postoje  statistički  značajne  razlike  po  polu  u  motivaciji,  odnosno
               pokazano je da su devojke motivisanije za studiranje od momaka.Sledeći zaključak do kog smo
               došli je da su ispitanici, čije su majke visokoobrazovane, motivisaniji za studiranje od ispitanika
               čije su majke nižeg obrazovanja (osnovna i srednja škola). Ispitivajući motivaciju prema stepenu
               obrazovanja oca, nije dobijena značajna razlika. Takođe, kada se ispitivala motivacija po uspehu
               u školi i motivacija prema mestu stanovanja nije dobijenastatistička značajnost.

               Ključne reči: motivacija za studiranje, maturanti, pol, obrazovanje majke


                      The aim of the study was to determine whether there is a significant relationship between
               socio-demographic  characteristics  (gender,  school  grades,  education  level  of  mother  /  father,
               place of residence) and motivation for studying. The study covereda convenient sample of 129
               grammar school graduates of the "Isidora Sekulic"Grammar school in Novi Sad. The motivation
               for studying  was  measured by  a questionnaire  created for the purposes  of this  study, with  10
               items  in  which  respondents  expressed  their  level  of  agreement  or  disagreement  with  the
               statement,  in  the  form  of  five-point  Likert  scale.  It  has  come  to  the  conclusion  that  there  are
               significant  differences  by  gender  in  motivation  for  studying  which  means  that  girls  are  more
               motivated  to  study  than  boys.  The  next  conclusion  to  which  we  have  come  to  is  that  the
               respondents whose mothers were highly educated are more motivated to study than those whose
               mothers were not. Questioning motivation according to the education of the father, we didn't get
               a  significant  difference.  Also,  questioningthe  motivation  for  studying  according  to  school
               gradesand  motivation  for  studying  according  to  the  place  of  residence,  conclusions  were  not
               statistically significant.
               Key words: motivation for studying, graduates, gender, mother's level of education
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