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P. 427


                               CYBER BULLYING AMONG HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS

               AUTOR: SLAĐANA VLATKOVID, učenik III razreda Gimnazije ,,Veljko Petrovid“ Sombor, Regionalni centar za talente,
               Beograd II, MENTOR: RADMILA BABIČKOVID, psiholog, profesor psihologije, Gimnazija ,,Veljko Petrovid“ Sombor


               Problem  istraživanja  predstavlja  utvrđivanje  zastupljenosti  sajber  nasilja  među  srednjoškolcima.  Cilj  istraživanja
               jeste utvrđivanje zastupljenosti sajber nasilja među srednjoškolcima i proučavanje njihovih stavova prema ovom vidu
               Primenjena metoda rada jeste sistematsko neeksperimentalno istraživanje, a tehnika anonimni upitnik, konstruisan za
               potrebe istraživanja pod nazivom ,,Tagged“. Upitnik koji su ispitanici popunjavali u tradicionalnoj formi, sadrži 23
               pitanja, koja se odnose na mišljenja ispitanika o sajber nasilju. Ispitivanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 84 ispitanika,
               učenika Gimnazije ,,Veljko Petrović“ iz Sombora. Obrada podataka izvršena je u programu Microsoft Excel Office
               2007, korišćenjem deskriptivne statistike.
               Istraživanje je pokazalo da 72,62% srednjoškolaca nikada nije doživelo pretnje ili bilo kakav vid uvrede, poniženja
               ili pretnje na internetu. Ovakvi rezultati mogu se povezati sa tim da 76,89% učenika nikada ne stupa u kontakt sa
               nepoznatim  osobama  preko  interneta.  Takođe,  rezultati  pokazuju  da  veliki  broj  srednjoškolaca  primećuje  sajber
               nasilje u svom okruženju (88,1%), ali isto tako čak 65,48% ispitanika u slučaju da primeti nasilje ne bi odreagovalo
               na isto
               Veliki broj srednjoškolaca nije doživelo pretnje ili bilo kakav vid uvrede i poniženja na internetu, jer poseduju svest
               o tome da je kontakt sa nepoznatim osobama ili otkrivanje ličnih podataka veoma rizično.
               Takođe, sajber nasilje među srednjoškolcima jeste prisutno, oni ga primećuju i svesni su da ono postoji ali isto tako
               oni ne reaguju na njega. Dobijeni  rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju osnov za dalja istraživanja u  vezi uočavanja
               nasilja, načina reagovanja i znanja o prevenciji istog.

               Ključne reči: sajber naslje, zastupljenost, srednjoškolci.

               The research problem is defining the presence of cyber bullying among high school students. The aim of research is
               to spot presence of cyber bullying among high school students and to study their opinions about this type of violence.
               The  applied  work  method  was  the  systematic  non-experimental  research  and  the  technique  was  anonymous
               questionnaire constructed for the purpose of research under the name „Tagged“. The questionnaires that the subjects
               who were questioned filed in the traditional form were constructed of 23 questions which referred to the opinions of
               the subject who were questioned about cyber bulling. The research was conducted on the sample of 84 subjects,
               students on the Grammar School ,,Veljko Petrović“ in Sombor. The processing of data was conducted in Microsoft
               Office Excel 2007, using descriptive statistics.
               The research results have shown that 72, 62% of the students had never experienced threats, insults and  humiliation
               on the Internet. These results may be related with the fact that 76, 89% of students do not come into contact with
               strangers on the Internet. Also, results have shown that large number of students noticed cyber bullying in their
               environment (88, 1 %), but in case that they noticed bullying they would not have responded to it (65, 48%).
               A large number of high school students did not experience threats, insults or humiliation on the Internet, because
               they have the awareness that contact with strangers and giving personal data are risky.
               Also, cyber bullying is present among high school students; they perceive it and they are aware of its existence, but
               they do not respond on it.
               These results open possibilities for research of the connection between perception of cyber bulling, ways of reacting
               and prevention of the same.

               Key words: cyber bullying, presence, high school students.
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