Page 430 - Srednje skole - radovi
P. 430
AUTOR OLGA AZARID, učenica IV razreda Filološke gimnazije,
MENTOR dr SLOBODAN MARKOVID, vanredni profesor na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu
Tema ovog istraživačkog rada je ispitivanje i poređenje uspešnosti standardnih metoda uspešnog
učenja i metode mapa uma. Način organizovanja ispitivanja je bio putem eksperimentalne metode, a
podaci su prikupljeni tehnikom testa znanja. Dobrovoljački uzorak za eksperiment činilo je 30 učenika iz
dva najuspešnija odeljenja četvrte godine Filološke gimnazije. Prva pretpostavka autora istraživanja je
bila ta da nede postojati značajno velike razlike u prosečnoj uspešnosti ove dve metode učenja. Kako je
prosečan broj osvojenih poena na oba testa znanja (jednog odmah nakon učenja i jednog nakon 8 dana)
u grupi učenika koja je koristila standardne metode uspešnog učenja i u grupi koja je koristila metodu
mapa uma bio neznatno različit, ova pretpostavka je bila potvrđena. Druga pretpostavka je bila ta da de
se mape uma ipak pokazati uspešnije od standardih tehnika uspešnog učenja kada je u pitanju
dugoročno znanje. Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji statistički značajna razlika u uspešnosti ovih
metoda u određenim vremenskim periodima – ispitanici koji su koristili mape uma su imali neznatno vedi
broj poena na testu znanja odmah nakon učenja, a manji broj poena na testu znanja nakon 8 dana, dok
su ispitanici koji su koristili standardne metode uspešnog učenja imali više uspeha na drugom testu
znanja nego na prvom. Na osnovu ovih rezultata, druga pretpostavka se pokazala kao pogrešna.Ovo
istraživanje je sprovedeno da bi se utvrdilo da li je opravdano mapama uma, kao sredstvu za uspešnije
učenje koje je probudilo interesovanje poslednjih decenija, dati prednost u odnosu na klasične metode
KLJUČNE REČI: učenje, metode uspešnog učenja, mape uma, pamdenje
The subject of this research work is examination and comparison between the standard methods
of successful learning and mind maps. This research was organized using the experimental method, and
the achievement test technique was used to gather information. The volunteer sample for the
experiment were 30 students from the two most successful classes in the 4th grade of Philological high
school. The first author's hypothesis was that there would not be significantly greater difference
between the mean degree of success of these two learning methods. Since the number of earned points
on both of the achievement tests (one taken right after learning, and the other taken 8 days afer) in the
group of students who used standard methods of successful learning and in the group where mind maps
were used were insignificantly different, this hypothesis is proven right. The second hypothesis was that
when it came to long-term study, the mind maps would still be a better learning method. The research
shows that a statistically significant difference in the success of these methods during a period of time
does exist – the examinees who used mind maps had insignificantly more points on the test taken right
afer studying and fewer points on the test taken after 8 days, while the examinees who used who used
standard learning methods had more success on the second test than on the first one. Judging by these
results, the second hypothesis is proven wrong. This research was carried out with a view to find out
whether it is justified to give preference to mind maps, a learning technique that aroused interest durig
the last few decades, over the classic learning methods.
KEY WORDS: learning, methods of successful learning, mind maps, memorizing