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Computer Vision(CV),Speech Recognition and Speech
Syntesys are parts of Computer Science which have gotten
attention by alot of people.Computer vision bases on
processing, analyzing, and understanding images,and
sciences that are related to speech have a role in
transmission of words from direkt speech to text.Their wide
and contribuiton to technology is still in question.Actually
knowledge in these areas allows people to endulge a job to
a machine that they have worked before and save
themselfs some time.The aim of my project is to show their
capabilities in one program.
Microsft Visual Studio was used and the language in wich
the solution is written is C#.Frameworks EMGU CV , A-
Forge.NET and System.Speech were used.Algorythms for
Face Detection is the Viola-Jones algorythm wich is based Slika 1-A detected face and a cropped one shown
on haar-cascades, for Recognition a Eigenface approach
that is based on PCA ( Principal Compopnent analisys )
method.The speech to text transmmition is done without
any algorythms. CONCLUSION
RESULTS These technologies enable safer and better future which has
long been the only sci - fi films depicted . Statistics prove
that cities that have monitoring systems and the necessary
technology , based automation , have a lower rate of crime
The results show a program which can do all the functions cities dont.Robotics , search on the internet , security ,
above and how it actually looks.Practical results are the identification, authentication intake may be promoted such
best evidence that all of this is possible. .It takes following applications .
series of events : Selecting the camera, face detection ,
cropoving a detected face and recognition of the picture you LITERATURE
upload.In the mean the speech to text results van be shown
in a message box ,and is the person in the image
comparison actually you. 1.