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                                                   MATIJA ČUPIĆ
                                                     IGNJATA JOBA 3

          INTRODUCTION                                         LITERATURE

                 The project aims to make streaming video content   [1]  M.  Fowler,  Patterns  of  Enterprise  Application
          from  torrents  in  real  time  possible.  A  client  (audio/video   Architecture (2002)
          player) that reproduces video content contained in torrents   [2]  D.  Austerberry,  The  Technology  of  Video  and  Audio
          without  waiting  for  the  content  to  be  copied  to  the  local   Streaming (2004)
          disk  and  without  buffering  delays,  if  there  logistical
          constraints permit. Extensibility, usability and quality were    [3] VideoLan: LibVLC doxygen documentation
          accented during production. This approach represents a new   (
          way of providing access to digital content on-demand.    /group__libvlc.html)


                 It  was developed using  iterative and incremented
          development  (prototype  development  methodology).  This
          approach is the most efficient way of software development
          for  the  given  project  parameters  (development  time,
          architecture, platform, use and overall solution size).


                 An agile system, capable of serving video content
          with minimal delay, if the machine on which the client was
          started  has  sufficient  internet  bandwidth  and  if  technical
          conditions  permit  such  streaming  speed  (peer/seeder  ratio
          of the torrent). This solutions provides a totally new form of
          movie  reproduction  services,  which  accents  reliability,
          intuitivity and fluidity. The platform is modular, and leaves
          a  lot  of  headroom  for  advancement  and  upgrade.  The
          usability is one of the main trumps of the project, the target
          group  is  the  majority  of  the  population  of  all  age  and


                 Realizing this project represents a unique solution
          to a problem set that accessing digital multimedia content
          via torrents brings. One of possible applications for such a
          solution  is  the  development  of  a  desktop  based  platform
          that  serves  movies  on-demand,  that  unlike  Netflix  and
          similar platforms (web based platforms), doesn’t have the
          video reproduction constraints of the browser, and uses less
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