Page 348 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 348

                                                   GAME THEORY

               Uĉеnik: МINА ŠЕKULАRАC VIII rаzrеd ОŠ „KаrаĊоrĊе”, Bеоgrаd
               Меntоr: VЕSNА RАЈŠIĆ, prоfеsоr mаtеmаtikе Еlеktrоtеhniĉkа škоlа „Nikоlа
               Теslа”, Bеоgrаd

    Malo  je  verovatno da  neko  ko  je  okušao  sreću u  kladionici, kockarnici  ili u igrama  na
    sreću,  razmišljao  o  neĉemu  drugom  osim  o  dobitku.  Šta  se  krije  iza  uzvika:  „Dobitak
    zagarantovan!”. Iza dobitka na lutriji, tomboli, na kartanju ili ruletu krije se nešto mnogo
    veće nego što je kockarska sreća, pobeda ili poraz. Krije se nauka koja je utkana u sve
    sfere ţivota,  meĊu obiĉnim ljudima nepoznata, a to je  „Teorija igara”.  Ono što me je
    podstaklo na istraţivanje u ovoj oblasti jeste saznanje da se do ove nauĉne  teorije došlo
    tek  u  prošlom  veku,  i  ako  je  takav  naĉin  razmišljanja  prisutan  od  davnina.  Situacije  u
    kojima se koristi ovaj naĉin razmišljanja su raznolike od bezazlenih deĉijih igara, kao što
    je igra „Papir, kamen, makaze ” pa do surovog rata i primene ratne strategije. Teorija igara
    predstavlja mnogo više od osvrta na igru. Strategija, kao najsavršeniji pojam u igri, ĉini
    njen  deo.  Igru  ĉini  aktivnost  u  kojoj  uĉestvuje  najmanje  dva  igraĉa,  ĉiji  su  interesi
    suprotni. U toj situaciji igraĉi donose odluke, kod kojih se uzimaju u obzir  meĊusobne

    akcije i reakcije.  Primeri teorije igara sreću se ne samo u društvenim igrama kao što su
    šah, kartaške igre (poker i bridţ), igre sa kockicama i klaĊenja na rezultatima sportskih
    utakmica,  već  i  u  svakodnevnom  ţivotu  u  ekonomiji,  politiĉkim  naukama,  vojnoj
    strategiji, psihologiji, i sociologiji.
    Klјuĉnе rеĉi: Teorija igara, igra, igraĉ, strategija, zatvorenikova dilema.


    It is unlikely that someone who has tried their luck in the betting, casino or gambling,
    would be thinking about anything else except winning. What is behind the exclamation:
    "Winning guaranteed "? There is something much bigger than gambling luck, victory or
    debacle hiding behind winning the lottery, bingo, card games or roulette. That is science,
    which  is  there  in  every  sphere  of  life,  unknown  to  ordinary  people,  and  it  is  "Game
    Theory".  What  stimulated  me  to  research  in  this  area  is  the  understanding  that  this
    scientific theory appeared only in the last century, although that kind of thinking has been
    present since ancient times. Situations when we use this way of thinking are various - from
    silly children's games like "Paper, rock, scissors" to the cruel war and application of war
    Game theory is much more than a review of the game. The strategy, like the most perfect
    part of the game, is its part.  The game is an activity where at least two players, whose
    interests are opposed, participate. In that situation, the players make decisions, where they
    must  think  about  each  other's  actions  and  reactions.  We  don‟t  meet  examples  of  game
    theory just in social games like chess, card games (poker and bridge), games with dice and
    betting on the results of sports matches; but also  in  a daily life: in economics, political
    science, military strategy, psychology, and sociology.
    Keywords: Game theory, game, player, strategy, Prisoner's dilemma.
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