Page 352 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 352
Autor: Dragana Maljković,VII-2,OŠ “Dositej Obradović“,Beograd
Mentor: Vesna Rajšić, profesor matematike, ETŠ “Nikola Tesla“,Beograd
Nauĉnici, filozofi koji su svoj ţivot posvetili i dali za matematiku ostavili su znaĉajne tragove u
istoriji. Arhimed i Pitagora to zasigurno jesu. Svojim otkrićima su obeleţili novu eru matematike i
zadobili mnogo sledbenika. Krugovima i brojevima ostavili su nove nade i time otvorili knjigu
budućnosti u kojoj će biti sve više i više pronalazaka i ljubitelja matematike. Dva Grka, dva veka
stvorili su novi pravac ove nauke.
Kljuĉne reĉi:Pitagora, Arhimed, brojevi i krugovi
Scientists, philosophers, who have dedicated their lives to Maths, had significant historion
dontribution, espencially Archimedes and Pitagora. New age of Maths was marked by their
discoveries. They also had many followers. They left hope with their circles and numbers thus opening
a book of future in which more and more discoveries and Maths derofees are to be written. Two
Greeks, two centuries created a new course of this science.
Key words: Pitagora, Archimedes, numbers and circles